Hassanein, A.M. ; M.A. El-Hawary ; E.M.A. Abdel-Kader
and I.A.M. Ismail
Agronomy Dept. Fac. Of agric. Al-azhar University. Cairo,Egypt.
Two filed experiments were conducted at San El- Hagar , El-Sharqia
Governorate ,Egypt in two successive growing seasons of 2015/2016
and 2016/2017 to investigate the effect of some sowing methods
(broadcast and drill ) and some weed control treatments(Thirteen weed
control treatments were used as follows:1- Unweeded (control),2- Hand
weeding once , 3- Granstar ,4-Topik 5- Panter, 6- Ballas ,7- Tournex
,8- Granstar + Panter,9-Topik+panter ,10- Granstar + Ballas,11-Topik
+Ballas,12- Granstar +Tournex and 13-Topik +Tournex ). on associated
weed species and wheat productivity .The obtained results showed that
drill sowing method gave the lowest total dry weight of annual weeds
and the highest number of spikes /m2 , grain weight / spike , grain yield /
feddan and straw yield / fed . Spraying wheat plants with mixed herbicide
from Topik +Tournex gave the lowest total dry weight of annual weeds,
on the contrary, it the highest values of number of spikes/m2, grain
weight of spike (g) , grain yield per feddan (ardab) as well as straw yield
per feddan( ton) . Sowing wheat with drill method and treated with
Topik +Tournex treatment gave the lowest total dry weight of annual
weeds, on the other hand , it gave the highest values of number of
spikes/m2, grain weight of spike (g) , grain yield per fed ( ardab) as well
as straw yield per fed ( ton).
Wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) is considered as one of the important
cereal crops in Egypt and all over the world used in human food and
animal feed. Nowadays, increasing wheat production is the first
important step of the Egyptian strategic aims to bridge the gap between
wheat production and consumption. Such increase is likely to be
achieved by increasing wheat cultivated areas and growing high yielding
varieties combined by optimizing various agricultural practices. The
intensive competition between wheat and Egyptian clover as well as
sugar beet during the winter season ceils the possibility of more
extension in wheat cultivated area in the old land. New reclaimed soils
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020 132-143
predominate is most newly cultivated. These soils suffer from a very low
soil fertility level, weeds competition and very low water holding as well
as nutrients retention capacities.
Weeds are considered a great constraint in agriculture, particularly
in wheat. Wheat is often infested with numerous types of weeds, which
compete with crop plants resulting in grain yield depression. Getting rid
of weeds is achieved through direct methods such as herbicides
application or by hand weeding and other indirect measures, such as
agricultural practices as crop rotation, land preparation and sowing
methods. Herbicidal control of weed must be considered in combination
with other improved agronomic practice such as sowing method.
Fakkar et al (2013)in Egypt, found that sowing methods Afir drill
and broadcast on raised beds at 75 cm widths gave the highest values for
plant height, spike length, weight of the spike, the number of spikes /m2,
grain protein, or content(%) straw yield (ton/fed) and grain yield
(ardeb/fed) in both seasons. Muhammad et al (2013) in Pakistan showed
that sowing methods had a significant effect on biological yield of wheat
crop. Wheat crop sowing by drill method produced the maximum
biological yield as compared to broadcast method. Chauhdary et al
(2016) in Netherlands found that wheat sowing under bed planting
showed better results with highest plant height, numbers of tillers ,
numbers of grains per spike , 1000 grain weight and grain yield , while,
these parameters were observed as the lowest under broadcasting among
all treatments. Galal (2003)in Egypt found that sowing drill method
decreased the dry weight of grass, broad-leaved and total weeds. Shah et
al (2019) in Pakistan showed that weed control efficiency was maximum
(24.08%) for ridge sowing method. The highest grain yield of wheat
(2.84 t /ha) obtained from line sowing method. So, it is concluded and
recommended that for controlling broadleaved weeds hand weeding
through line sowing method results in a good yield of rainfed wheat.
Malik et al (2012) in Kenya found that among different treatments, the
lowest weed biomass was achieved in hand weeding treatment. Plots
treated with herbicide Buctril super (Bromoxonil+MCPA) also produced
excellent results in reducing weed biomass. Singh et al (2017)in India
found that yield attributing characters viz., number of effective tillers
running row/meter and number of grains/spike differed significantly with
respect to herbicide treatments. Grain and straw yields also differed
significantly among herbicidal treatments. All tank mix applications of
133 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020
herbicide showed maximum weed control efficiency and maximum
values for grain and straw yield than single application of herbicide.
The objective of this investigation was to study the effect of sowing
methods and weed control treatments and their interactions on weeds,
yield and yield components of wheat Giza 168 cultivar grown under new
reclaimed land conditions at San El- hagar , El-Sharqia Governorate
Two filed experiments were conducted at San El- Hagar , El-Sharqia
Governorate ,Egypt in two successive growing seasons of 2015/2016
and 2016/2017 to investigate the effect of some sowing methods and
some weed
control treatments on wheat productivity and associated weed species.
variety Giza 168 (Triticum aestivum L.) was sown in both seasons.
The experiment treatments were as follows:
A- Sowing methods
Two sowing methods were studied as follows:
1. Afirbraodcast: Soil was bellowed twice then grains were hand
broadcasted then compacted and irrigated .
2. Drill sowing: Soil was pillowed twice and leveling then grains were
sown by planter in rows 20 cm apart and irrigation was followed.
B- Weed control treatments
Thirteen weed control treatments were used as follows:
1- Unweeded (control)
2- Hand weeding once at 35 days from sowing
3- Granstar (75% DF) at the rate of 8 g/fed at 35 days from sowing date.
4-Topik (15% W.P) at the rate of 140g/fed at 35 days from sowing date.
5- Panter ( 55%S.C.) at the rate of 600 cm3/fed at 35 days from sowing
6- Ballas ( 4.5%O.D.) at the rate of 160cm3/fed at 35 days from sowing
7- Tournex (50% S.C) at the rate of 1.5L/fed at 35 days from sowing
8- Granstar (75% DF) at the rate of 8g/fed + Panter ( 55%S.C.) at the rate
of 600 cm3/feddan at 45 days from sowing date
9-Topik (15% W.P) at the rate of 140g/fed+panter( 55%S.C.) at the rate
of 600 cm3/feddan at 45 days from sowing date
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020 134
10- Granstar (75% DF) at the rate of 8g/fed + Ballas ( 4.5%O.D.) at the
rate of 160cm3/feddan at 45 days from sowing date.
11-Topik (15% W.P) at the rate of 140g/fed +Ballas ( 4.5%O.D.) at the
rate of 160cm3/fed at 45 days from sowing date.
12- Granstar (75% DF) at the rate of 8g/fed +Tournex (50% S.C) at the
rate of 1.5L/fed at 35 days from sowing date.
13-Topik (15% W.P) at the rate of 140g/fed +Tournex (50% S.C) at the
rate of 1.5L/fed at 35 days from sowing date.
Trade, common and chemical names of herbicides used were
presented in Table (1).
Table (1) : Trade, common and chemical name of herbicides used in
the experiment.
Trade name Common name Chemical name
Tribenuron –
Granstar 75% DF
Topik 15% W.P
3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea; 3-p-cumenyl-1,1-
Panter 55% S.C Isoproturon
Pallas 4.5 % O.D Pyroxsulam
3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea; 3-p-cumenyl-1,1-
Tournex 50% S.C Isoproturon
A split- plot design with three replicates was used sowing methods
were allocated in the main plots and weed control treatments in the sub
plots. The plot area was 10.5 m/2 (3.5 m lenght × 3 m width). Seeding
rate was used as recommended (60 kg/fed.). Herbicides were sprayed by
Cp3 knapsack sprayer with 200 litter of water/fed.
Table: soil mechanical and chemical analysis of the experimental
sites are presented in Table (2) according to Page (1982).
Table (2): soil mechanical and chemical analysis of the experimental
sites in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 season
Practical size distribution
Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) Texture class
1 12.13 33.31 54.56 Clay
2 21.25 32.52 46.23 Clay
chemical analysis
season pH
Cations ( mmolc-1) Anions ( mmolc-1)
Ca++ Mg++ Na+ K+
HCO3- Cl- SO4- -
1 8.11 2.47 4.37 4.92 14.86 0.56 0.00 9.10 7.93 7.68
2 8.23 2.62 4.53 5.79 15.38 0.48 0.00 10.22 7.84 8.12
pH: 1:2.5 w/v soil water suspension and EC: Soil paste extract
The sowing dates were 21th and 24th of November in the first and
second season, respectively. Phosphorus fertilizer was applied as calcium
135 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020
super phosphate (15.5%P2O5) during soil preparation at the rate of 200
kg/fed. Nitrogen fertilizer in the form of ammonium nitrate at the rate of
70 kg N/ fed was added in the two equal half , the first half was applied
at 25days from sowing date and another half was applied at 70 days from
sowing date. The other normal agricultural practices of wheat growing
were done as recommended.
Data recorded:-
The following data were recorded:
I-Weed survey
Weed were hand pulled from one square meter randomly of each plot
after 75 days from sowing, and classified into the following two groups
as well as the following data were recorded:
1- Total dry weight of annual weeds( g /m2).
Weeds (annual narrow and broad ) were air dried for 3 days then oven
dried at 70 Co for 24 hours.Therefore, the dry weight of annual broad,
narrow-leaved weeds and totalannual weeds were estimated as g/m2.
II-Yield and yield attributes
At harvest time ten plants were randomly taken from each plot to
determine the following characters:
1. Number of spikes/m2
2. Grain weight/spike(g).
3. Grain yield (ardab/fed): The grain of each plot (10.5 m2) was
weighted and the mean grain yield (ardab/fed.) was calculated.
4. Straw yield (ton/fed) .
Statistical analysis:-
All data were statistically analyzed according to technique of analysis of
variance (ANOVA) for the split-split plot design as mentioned by
Gomez and Gomez (1984) by means of "MSTAT-C" computer software
package and least significant differences revised (L.S.D.) at 5% level of
probability was calculated for compare between treatments means.
1. (Total dry weight of annual weeds (g/m2):
Average total dry weight of annual weeds g/m2 as affected by
sowing methods and weed control treatments and their interaction at75
days from sowing in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons are shown in
Table 3.
Results recorded in Table 3 indicate that sowing methods were
significantly affected total dry weight of annual weeds in both seasons.
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020 136
Sowing wheat plants by drill method gave the lowest total dry weight of
annual weeds 15.40 and 9.02 g/m2 ,on the other hand, the highest total
dry weight of annual weeds 16.57 and 11.11 g/m2 recorded with sowing
wheat plants by broadcast method in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons,
respectively. sowing wheat plants with Afir drill method gave 7.60 and
23.17 % decrease in total dry weight of annual weeds compared to
sowing wheat broadcast method in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons,
respectively. The depressed effect of drill method on total dry weight of
annual weight may be due to a severe competition among wheat plants
and weeds for the environmental resources i.e. nutrient , water , place and
light. These results are in harmony with those of Galal (2003) and Shah
et al (2019).
Results presented in Table 3 show that the effect of weed control
treatments was significant on total dry weight of annual weeds in both
seasons . Spraying wheat plants with mixed herbicide from Topik (15%
W.P) at the rate of 21g/feddan +Tournex (50% S.C) at the rate of
1.5L/feddan at 45 days from sowing date gave the lowest total dry
weight of annual weeds 7.47 and 4.83 g/m2, on the contrary, the highest
total dry weight of annual weeds 57.94 and 46.20 g /m2 was found with
wheat plants grown on the control (unweeded ) treatment as compared
with all other weed control treatments in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017
seasons , respectively. Spraying wheat plants with Topik +Tournex
decreased total dry weight of annul weeds by 64.91 and 61.61% as
compared with hand weeding treatment in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017
seasons, respectively. These results may be attributed to that Topik
controlling narrow leaved weeds while Tournex controlling broad leaved
weeds so application of Topik +Tournex resulted in brooding the
spectrum of weed controlled. These results are in agreement of by Galal
(2003) , Fakkar et al (2013).
Results presented in Table 3 show that the interaction effect
between sowing methods and weed control treatments was significant on
total dry weight of annual weeds in both seasons . Sowing wheat with
drill method and treated with Topik +Tournex treatment gave the lowest
total dry weight of annual weeds (6.80) and 4.49 g/m2 , on the other
hand, sowing wheat plants by broadcast method and unweeded (control)
gave maximum total dry weight of annual weeds 60.91 and 51.17 g/m2 as
compared with all other weed control treatments in 2015/2016 and
2016/2017 seasons , respectively.
137 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020
II-Grain yield and its componets
Average number of spikes/m2 , grain weight of spike(g) , grain
yield per fed (ardab) and straw yield per feddan (ton)as affected by
sowing methods and weed control treatments and their interaction in
2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons are shown in Tables 4,5,6 and 7.
Results recorded in Table 4 to 7 indicate that sowing methods
were significantly affected number of spikes/m2 , grain weight of
spike(g) , grain yield per fed (ardab) and straw yield per fed (ton) in
2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons . Sowing wheat plants by drill method
increased number of spikes/m2by 8.67 as well as 12.82 % , grain weight
of spike (g) by 3.36 as well as 1.66 % , grain yield per fed (ardab) by
12.17 as well as 14.37 % and straw yield per fed (ton) by 16.95 as well as
15.98 % as compared with broadcast sowing method in 2015/2016 as
well as 2016/2017 seasons , respectively .
The superiority of drill sowing method in increasing grain yield
and its components my be attributed to drill sowing method had the
highest(Tables 4 and 5) number of spike /m2 and grain weight / spike,
therefore increased grain yield per fed. These results are in harmony with
those obtained by Fakkar et al (2013) and Chauhdary et al (2016).
Results presented in Table 4 to 7 show that the effect of weed
control treatments was significant on number of spikes/m2 , grain weight
of spike (g) , grain yield per fed (ardab) and straw yield per fed (ton) in
both seasons . Spraying wheat plants with mixed herbicide from Topik
(15% W.P) at the rate of 140g/fed +Tournex (50% S.C) at the rate of
1.5L/fed at 35 days from sowing date gave the highest values of number
of spikes/m2 (478 and 480 ), grain weight of spike(2.50 and 2.47 g) ,
grain yield per fed ( 24.12 and 24.60ardab) as well as straw yield per
feddan (5.95 and 6.09 ton), on the contrary, growing wheat plants
without weed control (unwedded) gave the lowest values of number of
spikes/m2 (323 and 335 ), grain weight of spike(2.08 and 2.09 g) , grain
yield per fed ( 11.82 and 13.67 ardab) as well as straw yield per feddan
(2.87 and 3.32 ton), as compared with all other weed control treatments
in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons , respectively
The increase in grain and straw yield caused by treating wheat by
mixed from Topik and Tournex may be attributed to Topik controlling
narrow leaved weeds while Tournex controlling broad leaved weeds so
application of Topik +Tournex resulted in brooding the spectrum of
weed controlled which led to decreasing competition between weeds and
wheat plants thus increased number of spike /m2 and grain weight / spike
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020 138
as well as enhancement grain yield per fed . These results are in
agreement of Malik et al (2012) and Singh et al (2017).
Results tabulated in Table 4 to 7 show that the interaction effect
between sowing methods and weed control treatments was significant on
number of spikes/m2 , grain weight of spike(g) , grain yield per fed
(ardab) and straw yield per fed (ton) in both seasons . sowing wheat with
drill method and treated with Topik +Tournex treatment gave the
highest values of number of spikes/m2 487 and 498, grain weight of
spike 2.68 and 2.66(g) , grain yield per fed 25.17 and 26.22 (ardab) and
straw yield per fed 6.34 and 6.55 (ton) , on the other hand, sowing wheat
plants by broadcast method and (control) treatment gave the lowest
values of these traits in the same respect as compared with all other
interaction treatments in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons ,
Generally ,it could recommended that sowing wheat why drill
method with treated why Topik 140g/fed +Tournex 1.5 L/fed treatment
gave the highest values of grain and straw yields per fed at San El-
Hagar ,conditions El-Sharqia Governorate ,Egypt .
Table (3): Average total dry weight of weeds (g/m2) of wheat as
affected by sowing methods and weed control treatments
and their interaction at 75days from sowing date in
2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons.
Weed control
2015/2016 Season 2016/2017 Season
Sowing Methods Sowing Methods
Mean BroadCast
Control 60.91 54.97 57.94 51.17 41.23 46.20
Hand weeding 21.31 21.26 21.29 13.77 11.40 12.58
Granestar 16.45 14.09 15.27 5.21 5.90 5.55
Topik 13.44 15.69 14.56 4.69 6.59 5.64
Panter 15.41 13.26 14.33 11.29 5.73 8.51
Pallas 9.70 10.32 10.01 6.67 5.97 6.32
Tournex 10.31 9.80 10.06 6.47 5.03 5.75
Granestar+Panter 13.51 12.74 13.13 9.57 6.58 8.07
Panter+Topik 10.15 8.49 9.32 7.70 6.23 6.97
Granestar+Pallas 9.98 10.78 10.38 6.37 6.57 6.47
Topik+Pallas 15.39 11.99 13.69 10.00 5.73 7.87
Granestar+Tournex 10.72 9.98 10.35 6.37 5.73 6.05
Tournex+Topik 8.13 6.80 7.47 5.17 4.49 4.83
Mean 16.57 15.40
11.11 9.02
L.S.D at 5% level. For:
2 Sowing Methods(s) * *
Weed control (w) 1.6 0.66
interaction (sXw).
139 Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020
Table (4): Average number of spikes/m² of wheat as affected by
sowing methods and weed control treatments and their
interaction in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons
Weed control
2015/2016 Season 2016/2017 Season
Sowing Methods Sowing Methods
BroadCast Drill sowing Mean BroadCast Drill sowing Mean
Control 304 342 323 323 347 335
Hand weeding 340 388 364 338 391 365
Granestar 430 451 440 429 449 439
Topik 395 462 428 381 443 412
Panter 366 455 411 362 471 417
Pallas 370 437 404 365 443 404
Tournex 419 418 419 418 426 422
Granestar+Panter 386 372 379 385 429 407
Panter+Topik 402 428 415 400 464 432
Granestar+Pallas 420 448 434 417 479 448
Topik+Pallas 397 420 409 395 432 413
Granestar+Tournex 392 432 412 391 448 420
Tournex+Topik 469 487 478 462 498 480
Mean 392 426
390 440
L.S.D at 5 %level. for:
Sowing Methods(s)
Weed control (w)
interaction (sXw).
Table (5): Average grains weight /spike of wheat as affected by
sowing methods and weed control treatments and their
interaction in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons
Weed control
2015/2016 Season 2016/2017 Season
Sowing Methods Sowing Methods
BroadCast Drill sowing Mean BroadCast Drill sowing Mean
Control 1.97 2.19 2.08 1.98 2.20 2.09
Hand weeding 2.03 2.33 2.18 2.18 2.34 2.26
Granestar 2.58 2.39 2.49 2.57 2.40 2.48
Topik 2.38 2.45 2.42 2.35 2.44 2.39
Panter 2.42 2.51 2.47 2.41 2.50 2.46
Pallas 2.61 2.54 2.58 2.60 2.52 2.56
Tournex 2.31 2.44 2.38 2.50 2.45 2.48
Granestar+Panter 2.33 2.42 2.37 2.34 2.39 2.36
Panter+Topik 2.33 2.54 2.43 2.31 2.51 2.41
Granestar+Pallas 2.63 2.43 2.53 2.62 2.40 2.51
Topik+Pallas 2.35 2.48 2.42 2.39 2.46 2.42
Granestar+Tournex 2.47 2.52 2.50 2.45 2.49 2.47
Tournex+Topik 2.55 2.68 2.62 2.54 2.66 2.60
Mean 2.38 2.46
2.40 2.44
L.S.D at 5 %level.for:
Sowing Methods(s)
Weed control (w)
interaction (sXw).
Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020 140
Table (6): Average grain yield (arddab/feddan) of wheat as affected
by sowing methods and weed control treatments and their
interaction in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons
Weed control
2015/2016 Season 2016/2017 Season
Sowing Methods Sowing Methods
Broad Cast Drill sowing Mean Broad Cast Drill sowing Mean
Control 11.38 12.27 11.82 13.64 13.70 13.67
Hand weeding 16.38 16.53 16.46 15.95 16.77 16.36
Granestar 21.23 22.07 21.65 20.87 23.46 22.17
Topik 14.23 21.60 17.92 16.18 20.04 18.11
Panter 20.73 23.60 22.17 19.77 24.17 21.97
Pallas 21.30 22.50 21.90 20.92 23.22 22.07
Tournex 18.57 19.34 18.96 18.09 20.69 19.39
Granestar+Panter 15.25 18.13 16.69 16.53 20.92 18.72
Panter+Topik 16.63 21.40 19.01 18.71 23.01 20.86
Granestar+Pallas 22.16 23.53 22.84 23.84 24.75 24.30
Topik+Pallas 15.20 20.53 17.87 16.80 21.25 19.03
Granestar+Tournex 19.40 22.33 20.86 17.15 23.46 20.31
Tournex+Topik 23.07 25.17 24.12 22.97 26.22 24.60
Mean 18.12 20.69
19.57 21.67
L.S.D at 5 %level.for:
Sowing Methods(s)
Weed control (w)
interaction (sXw).
Table (7): Average straw yield/feddan(ton) of wheat as affected by
sowing methods and weed control treatments and their
interaction in 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 seasons
Weed control
2015/2016 Season
2016/2017 Season
Sowing Methods
Sowing Methods
BroadCast Drill sowing Mean BroadCast Drill sowing Mean
Control 2.54 3.01 2.78 3.31 3.32 3.32
Hand weeding 2.19 4.08 3.14 3.78 4.15 3.97
Granestar 5.2 5.41 5.31 5.11 5.74 5.43
Topik 3.35 5.3 4.33 4.14 5.23 4.69
Panter 5.08 5.82 5.45 4.74 6.22 5.48
Pallas 5.22 5.52 5.37 5.13 5.68 5.41
Tournex 4.34 4.73 4.54 4.42 5.13 4.78
Granestar+Panter 3.61 4.43 4.02 4.03 5.18 4.61
Panter+Topik 4.11 5.32 4.72 4.57 5.68 5.13
Granestar+Pallas 5.34 5.75 5.55 5.85 6.1 5.98
Topik+Pallas 3.4 5.14 4.27 4.1 5.27 4.69
4.65 5.46 5.06 4.17 5.76 4.97
Tournex+Topik 5.56 6.34 5.95 5.63 6.55 6.09
Mean 4.2 5.1 4.54 5.39
L.S.D at 5 %level.for:
Sowing Methods(s)
Weed control (w)
interaction (sXw).
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تاثير طرق انزراعت ومقاومت انحشائش عه انحشائش انمصاحبت وانمحصىل
ومکىناته ف انقمح
عبد انحميد محمد حسانين ، محمد الاسمر انهىاري ، انمتىن محمد عه عبد انقادر
و ابراهيم عبدة محمد اسماعيم
قغى ان حًاصيم - کهيت انضساعت بانقاهشة – جايعت الاصهش
1026/ أجشيج حجشبخي حقهيخي فى ي طُقت صا انحجش يحافظت انششقيت فى يىع ىً 1025
1027 نذساعت راريش طشق انضساعت وبعض يعايلاث يقاويت انحشائؼ عهى انحشائؼ / و 1026
ان صًاحبت وان حًصىل ويکى اَحه فى انق حً. وکا جَ يعايلاث انخجشبت ک اً يهى :
أ- طشق انضساعت :- ح جً صساعت انق حً بطشيقخى انبذاس وانخغطيش
ب - يعايلاث يقاويت انحشائؼ :- حى دساعت رلاد عششة يعايهت ک اً يهى :
-2 بذو يقاويت )ک خُشول(
-1 قَاوة يذويت يشة واحذة بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت
-5 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ جشا غَخاس 75 % ب عًذل 8 جشاو / فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
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4 - سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ حىبک 25 % ب عًذل 240 جشاو / فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
5 - سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ با خَش 55 % ب عًذل 600 عى 5 / فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
-6 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ بلاط 4.5 % ب عًذل 260 عى 5 / فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
-7 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ حيىسي کُظ 50 % ب عًذل 2.5 نخش / فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
-8 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ جشا غَخاس 75 % ب عًذل 8جشاو/فذا + با خَش 55 %ب عًذل 600 عى 5/فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
-9 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ حىبک 25 %ب عًذل 240 جشاو/فذا + با خَش 55 %ب عًذل 600 عى 5/فذا بعذ
55 يىو ي انضساعت .
-20 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ جشا غَخاس 75 % ب عًذل 8جشاو /فذا + بلاط 4.5 %ب عًذل
260 عى 5/فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
-22 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ حىبک 25 %ب عًذل 240 /فذا + بلاط 4.5 %ب عًذل 260 عى 5/فذا بَعذ
55 يىو ي انضساعت .
-21 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ جشا غَخاس 75 % ب عًذل 8جشاو/فذا + حيىسي کُظ 50 %ب عًذل
2.5 نخش/فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
-25 سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ حىبک 25 % ب عًذل 240 جشاو/فذا + حيىسي کُظ 50 % ب عًذل 2.5 نخش
/فذا بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت .
وکا حص يًى انخجشبت قطع ي شُقت يشة واحذة فى رلاد يکشساث خصصج انقطع انشئيغيت
نطشق انضساعت وانقطع انشقيت ن عًايلاث يقاويت انحشائؼ وحخهخص أهى ان خُائج ک اً يهى :
اظهشث ان خُائج حأريشا يع ىُيا نطشق انضساعت عهى کم انصفاث ان ذًسوعت فى کلا ان ىًع يً .وقذأعطج صساعت انق حً بطشيقت انخغطيش اقم وص جاف نهحشائؼ انکهيت بي اًُ أعطج اعهى قيى نعذد
انغ اُبم /و 1 ووص حبىب انغ بُهت ويحصىل انحبىب بالاسدب/فذا ويحصىل انخب بانط / فذا فى
کلا ان ىًع يً .ٍ
ک اً اظهشث ان خُائج حأريشا يع ىُيا ن عًايلاث انشػ ب بًيذاث انحشائؼ عهى کم انصفاث
ان ذًسوعت فى کلا ان ىًع يً .وقذ عجم سػ ان بُاحاث ب بًيذ حىبک + حىسي کُظ بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت اعهى قيى نعذد انغ اُبم /و 1 ووص حبىب انغ بُهت /جى ويحصىل انحبىب بالاسدب/فذا ويحصىل انخب بانط / فذا فى کلا ان ىًع يً بي اًُ اعطج اقم وص جاف نهحشائؼ انکهيت يقاس تَ
بکم ان عًايلاث ان ذًسوعت فى کلا ان ىًع يً .بي اًُ عجهج يعايهت انک خُشول )بذو يقاويت ( اقم انقيى
نکلا ي عذد انغ اُبم /و 1 ووص حبىب انغ بُهت ويحصىل انحبىب بالاسدب/فذا ويحصىل انخب بانط / فذا فى کلا ان ىًع يً .ٍوعهى انعکظ ي رنک فقذ اعطج اعهى وص جاف نهحشائؼ انکهيت
يقاس تَ بکم ان عًايلاث ان ذًسوعت فى کلا ان ىًع يً .ٍ
کا انخفاعم بي طشق انضساعت ويعايلاث يقاويت انحشائؼ حأريشا يع ىُيا فى کلا ان ىًع يً ،ٍ
حيذ اعطج صساعت انق حً بطشيقت انخغطيش يع انشػ ب خًهىط ي يبيذ حىبک + حيىس يَکظ اعهى انقيى
نعذد انغ اُبم /و 1 ووص حبىب انغ بُهت ويحصىل انحبىب بالاسدب/فذا ويحصىل انخب بانط /
فذا فى کلا يىع ىً انذساعت.وعهى انعکظ ي رنک فقذ اعطج اقم وص جاف نهحشائؼ انکهيت
يقاس تَ بکم ان عًايلاث ان ذًسوعت فى کلا ان ىًع يً .ٍ
وحىصى هزة انذساعت بضساعت انق حً بطشيقت انخغطيش يع يقاويت انحشائؼ ب خًهىط ي يبيذ
حىبک + حيىسي کُظ بعذ 55 يىو ي انضساعت نهحصىل عهى اعهى يحصىل ي انحبىب وانخب نهفذا ححج ظشوف ي طُقت صا انحجش يحافظت انششقيت.
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