Social Factors That Passively affect Sons, Treatment to Their Old Parents |العوامل الاجتماعية المؤثرة سلباً في معاملة الأبناء لأولياء أمورهم من المسنين | ||||
NILES journal for Geriatric and Gerontology | ||||
Article 2, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2019, Page 20-70 PDF (1.02 MB) | ||||
Document Type: Original Article | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/niles.2019.58079 | ||||
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Author | ||||
Ali Ibrahim Ali Said Khatib1, 2, 3 | ||||
1New Valley university | ||||
2Cairo University | ||||
3Assuit University | ||||
Abstract | ||||
The aim of the current research is to identify the "Social Factors That Passively affect Sons, Treatment to Their Old Parents", an applied study on some students of the Assiut University branch in the new valley", at a time when the society is witnessing a dynamic movement and historical awakening in the positive transformation of the demands of university youth, In all fields and fields, to represent the youth of the university and qualified educational and academic in all areas of life one of the most important pillars of community building, Social factors are represented by the total circumstances surrounding them, distinguishing each other, in his relationships and people closely involved, as members of his family or others around him. Including elderly parents The elderly are a human resource with a vital social function as the homes of experience, coaches and teachers of youth, within them the renewed youth and the fragmentation of the beautiful time, twenty years ago we! Twenty years later, we are the most in need of those who take care of us and our affairs (socially, psychologically, economically, health, culture, entertainment and others). While the Egyptian state paid great attention to youth, it was launched in 2017 year of youth, The study presents an applied study on a sample of some students of the university branch in the New Valley to find out the most important, Social Factors That Passively affect Sons, Treatment to Their Old Parents, following the descriptive analytical method. The results showed that there are social factors that have a negative effect on the treatment of some of the children of their elderly parents such as the disintegration of the families, indifference and neglect, and some of the legal and legislative duty to care for elderly parents, some concerned with the requirements of life and the impoverishment of some colleges in the curricula of care mechanisms. The elderly and the concern of children and their addiction to modern means of communication, such as Face book and others, without focusing on direct communication in the relationship of the uterus and the care of elderly parents, and recommendations, work on the existence of a basic material called (care of the elderly sacred duty) T, also considered the year 2020 as a year for the elderly. | ||||
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