El Sharkawy, A., El Agamawy, I., Kotb, M. (2019). Integrated Conceptual Framework for Brand Interpretations. EKB Journal Management System, 9(1), 31-41. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.83591
Ahmed Zakaria Mohamed El Sharkawy; Ihab El Agamawy; Maysoon Kotb. "Integrated Conceptual Framework for Brand Interpretations". EKB Journal Management System, 9, 1, 2019, 31-41. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.83591
El Sharkawy, A., El Agamawy, I., Kotb, M. (2019). 'Integrated Conceptual Framework for Brand Interpretations', EKB Journal Management System, 9(1), pp. 31-41. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.83591
El Sharkawy, A., El Agamawy, I., Kotb, M. Integrated Conceptual Framework for Brand Interpretations. EKB Journal Management System, 2019; 9(1): 31-41. doi: 10.21608/idj.2019.83591
Integrated Conceptual Framework for Brand Interpretations
2Prof. of graphics Design, Open University, Jordon
3Prof. of Advertising Design, Dean of Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University
The process of constructing the Calligraphy Compositions assumes to be the rules are pre-set and are a basic stage And move to the optimal recruitment of a group of elements working together in an integrative that achieves a trilogy (beauty - function - expression) through systems that ensure the formation of a formality that has applications ranging from stereotypes and tradition, the shape penetration is one of the outermost manipulations whereby a cohesive structure can be achieved at the level of form, or acting as a semantic booster that amplifies the expressive dimension of the content of the text, In this or that alternative, the shape penetration is in the act with other characteristics. The problem of research is summarized in the question (What represent the formative penetration in the Compositions of calligraphy?), Significance: The shape penetration is a characteristic used by the calligrapher to achieve the trilogy (beauty, function, expression) in its Calligraphy Compositions, while working with other characteristics and methods of a holistic nature of the consolidation and enhances the overall output. Objective: to uncover (the representations of the shape penetration in the Calligraphy Compositions). The theoretical frameworkdealt with the concept of shape penetration, and also the foundations of Calligraphy Compositions including the text and type of calligraphy and system and letter characteristics and the general shape and design treatments, The methodologywas based on the analytical descriptive approach. The research community included calligraphies of (Altholuth, jle Diwani and the Kufi) in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Turkey. The research community reached (79). (12) Sample was selected. The results: The shape penetration is a variety of methods in terms of quantity, quality and in order to achieve aesthetic goals, functional and expressive by activating the characteristics of the letters by horizontal and vertical ALmad and back and italics by increasing measurement, Or through the intersection and overlap between words to create a descriptive appearance, and change the directional structure and formality of the letters. Also shape penetration expressive representations that support the effectiveness of Calligraphy Compositions as an optical discourse with communicative aims, which includes text with meanings and connotations that reinforce the artistic structure of Calligraphy Compositions from showing it as a metaphorical metaphor interpreted by a figurative cognitive character
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