Performance eminence in the Design and Implementation of Infants Clothes | ||||
International Design Journal | ||||
Article 42, Volume 8, Issue 2 - Serial Number 26, April 2018, Page 469-482 PDF (2.9 MB) | ||||
Document Type: Original Article | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/idj.2018.86147 | ||||
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Authors | ||||
Heba Mohamed Hamada1; Nagda Ibrahim Mady2; Mona Moussa Ghaleb2 | ||||
1Lecturer of Garments and Textiles, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandria University. | ||||
2Assistant Professor of Garments and Textiles, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandria University | ||||
Abstract | ||||
One of the essential rights of the child is to obtain a high quality clothes that meets his needs and requirements according to his growth stage characteristics. Clothes play an important and effective role in the child's life as it gain confidence and improve his abilities. Scientists emphasize the importance of infancy stage (from birth: two years) in individual life; the experiences that pass through this stage affect his personality growth in the future, as well as it has a rapid and sequential growth in all aspects with an exceeding rate than the following growth stages; Therefore, an appropriate opportunity for growth in that period has the greatest importance, which should provide comfort and safety and provide the opportunity for growth at that crucial time.Low quality in designing and implementing some ready-made infants' garments has been observed. A survey had been made to investigate this problem, by interviewing a random sample of (38) mothers of infants, and asking them about the deficiencies they find in ready-made infants clothes, both in terms of design and implementation. It has been shown that they find difficulties related to infant growth requirements and caregivers usage requirements, whom infants depends completely at this stage. Their difficulties were related to wearing infants and taking off, short usage period that is not commensurate with the rapid physical growth of infant, the extent of availability and ease of infant movement while wearing, and the lack of safety factor in using some accessories that are easy for infant to tamper with and may make him at risk, the spread of outerwear made of synthetic fibers, exaggeration in decoration of infants' clothes by embroidering or printing, thus reducing clothing elegance. The research questions: What is the possibility of proposing clothing designs for infants according to special performance requirements?What is the evaluation of academics, producers and consumers to the proposed designs from the structural , functional , aesthetic , productive and marketing aspects? What is the possibility of implementing some of the proposed designs achieving the required performance quality? Research Objectives: The main objective of the research is to Design and implement clothes for infants achieving performance qualityrequired during infancy stage.Methodology: The analytical descriptive approach.Samples: Three random samples were used:Academics sample: (12) of teaching staff members in Egyptian universities specialized in clothing and textiles.Producers sample: (10) of workers in production of ready-made clothes for infants.Consumers sample: (50) of infants' mothers in Alexandria governorate. Results: Novel clothes for infants have been designed and implemented, achieving required performance quality during infancy stage according to growth requirements of infants and care requirements of their caregivers. | ||||
Keywords | ||||
Infant Clothes; Infancy Stage; Performance eminence | ||||
References | ||||
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