"Recycled jeans in innovating women clothing using design on the mannequin technique" | ||||
International Design Journal | ||||
Article 19, Volume 8, Issue 1 - Serial Number 25, January 2018, Page 217-229 PDF (1.15 MB) | ||||
Document Type: Original Article | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/idj.2018.86303 | ||||
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Authors | ||||
Hanaa Abdullah Al - Nawawy1; Doaa Abd Elkader Elkatry2 | ||||
1Assistant Professor of clothing and textile department, Faculty of Home Economics Al - Azhar University | ||||
2Lecturer, clothing and textile department, Faculty of Home Economics, Al - Azhar University | ||||
Abstract | ||||
Research problem:Denim clothes are commonly used among different ages, especially youth, as it gives comfort and fit different aspects of daily life such as work, trips and many other occasions. As women like to wear new styles of clothes, the workers in the garment industry develop these clothes to suit the needs and the desires of consumers. Due to the economic conditions, clothes recycling has become an accepted thing to do. Old clothes can be recycled to suit modern fashion. Worn denim jeans is one of the most preferred types of clothing to be recycled as it inspires many innovative ideas. So we can reuse the good parts in the worn denim jeans. This is in line with the current research, which focuses on recycling the old jeans in producing some innovative women clothing by design on the mannequin. The research question: What is the possibility of creating modern designs from the recycling of old jeans by design on the mannequin, and producing these designs in a manner that achieves the aesthetic, artistic and functional values of the executed designs? Research goals: Creating a variety of designs by jeans recycling which achieve artistic and innovative values using design on the mannequin technique. Producing designs that meet the needs of the consumer in terms of aesthetic, functional and economic. Encouraging small enterprises to work in recycling jeans in and produce modern designs that are easy to implement. Rationalize spending on clothing by recycling old jeans. Research Methodology: This research follows the experimental methodology. Findings: The fourth design was superior in the executed designs, where it obtained the highest percentage from the point of view of the judges (96.25%), followed by the third design (95.83%) and followed by both the second and the fifth designs (94.16%), while the first design obtained the lowest percentage from the point of view of the judges ( 92.08 %). For the consumers results, the third and the fourth designs got the highest percentage ( 95.24 %) followed by the fifth design ( 89.29 %) followed by the second design (84.52 %) and then the first design ( 76.19 %), all of the ratios indicate the success of the executed designs in achieving the indicators of the questionnaire. | ||||
Keywords | ||||
Jeans Recycling; Sewing techniques of Denim fabric; Design on The Mannequin technique | ||||
References | ||||
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