EKB Journal Management System
Author = Doaa Youssef
Number of Articles: 4


Phenotypes of B-Lymphocytes as a Predictor of Steroid Response in Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome.

Volume 15, Issue 2, December 2020, Page 28-35
Faika Arab; Doaa Youssef; Fatma Alzahraa G. Ibrahim; Lobna A. El-korashi; Hoda Fathey


Therapeutic Plasma Exchange; One Year Single Center Experience.

Volume 15, Issue 2, December 2020, Page 60-68
Doaa Youssef; Sabry Elshobary; Nada Abdallah


Effect of Combined Heat killed Probiotic and Wheat Bran on Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Hemodialysis Children.

Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2019, Page 8-14
Doaa Mohamed Youssef; Ali Mohamed Abou Zeid; May Abd Alfattah Neemat-Allah; Yasmeen Ghanem Zakaria; Aly Abdel-Rahman Yousef; Seham Mohamed Ramadan


Rate and Type of Infections in Children with Nephrotic syndrome

Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2019, Page 68-74
Doaa Mohammed Youssef; Ali Mohamed Abou Zeid; Mona Shaaban Ali Selim; Moataz Mohamed Sallam