EKB Journal Management System
Author = E.S. Ahmed
Number of Articles: 4


Role of Combined Blood Neutrophil- Lymphocyte Ratio and C-reactive Protein in Diagnosis of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis

Volume 5, Issue 6 part (1), September 2020, Page 43-49
S.A. Awad; E.S. Ahmed; E.E. Mohamed


Evaluation of Effect of Pterygium on the Endothieleal Cell Density of the Cornea by Specular Microscopy

Volume 5, Issue 4 part (2), July 2020, Page 211-217
E.S. Ahmed; A.A. El Shayeb; R.M. Uosry


Glycometabolic Disorders in Patients with Β -Thalassemia Major in Egypt

Volume 5, Issue 2 part (2), February 2020, Page 245-247
G.S. Abdelmotaleb; K.M. Eid; A.M. Diab; E.S. Mostafa; E.S. Ahmed


Study of Plasma Copeptin as a Predictor of Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients

Volume 3, Issue 2, July 2018, Page 97-100
H.A. Issa; E.S. Ahmed; W.A. Abd-El-Halim; S.E. Yassen