EKB Journal Management System
Author = Somia H. Abd Allah
Number of Articles: 2


The association of Wnt – Factor TCF7L2 (TCF4) gene polymorphism and treated Alopecia Areata (Platelet rich plasma Vs conventional)

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript , Available Online from 19 February 2024
Somia H. Abd Allah; Amany Nassar; Asmaa Diaa EL-Din; aliaa talaat


Evaluation of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Non receptor Type 22 gene polymorphism in alopecia areata

Volume 30, Issue 1.2, January and February 2024, Page 11-17
Asmaa Diaa EL-Din; Somia H. Abd Allah; Amany Nassar; Aliaa Talaat