EKB Journal Management System
Keywords = kidney toxicity
Number of Articles: 3


Protective and Therapeutic Effects of Moringa oleifera Leave Nanoparticles against Acrylamide-Induced Hepato and Renal Toxicity in Adult Male Rats.

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript , Available Online from 21 July 2024
Abdullah Hamad Yaquob Abduljalil; Kadry El-bakry; Nahed Omar; Lamiaa Deef; shereen Ahmed Fahmy


Evaluation of the renal protection conferred by amygdalin against animal growth regulator Boldjan induced renal toxicity and injury in male rats

Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2024, Page 183-192
Sawsan Agbashee Alsadee


Curative effect of zucchini flower extract on renal toxicity in male rats

Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2024, Page 517-541
Dalia A. Zaki; Azza S. Abdel-Ghany