Egg quality in White Leghorns, White Plymouth Rocks and New Hempshires under Egyptian conditions
(1966). Egg quality in White Leghorns, White Plymouth Rocks and New Hempshires under Egyptian conditions. EKB Journal Management System, 6(1), 63-73. doi: 10.21608/ejap.1966.132922
. "Egg quality in White Leghorns, White Plymouth Rocks and New Hempshires under Egyptian conditions". EKB Journal Management System, 6, 1, 1966, 63-73. doi: 10.21608/ejap.1966.132922
(1966). 'Egg quality in White Leghorns, White Plymouth Rocks and New Hempshires under Egyptian conditions', EKB Journal Management System, 6(1), pp. 63-73. doi: 10.21608/ejap.1966.132922
Egg quality in White Leghorns, White Plymouth Rocks and New Hempshires under Egyptian conditions. EKB Journal Management System, 1966; 6(1): 63-73. doi: 10.21608/ejap.1966.132922