Thermal Stability and Dielectric Relaxation of NR/Soda Lignin and NR/thiolignin Composites.
(2005). Thermal Stability and Dielectric Relaxation of NR/Soda Lignin and NR/thiolignin Composites.. EKB Journal Management System, 28(1), 67-83. doi: 10.21608/ejs.2005.149347
. "Thermal Stability and Dielectric Relaxation of NR/Soda Lignin and NR/thiolignin Composites.". EKB Journal Management System, 28, 1, 2005, 67-83. doi: 10.21608/ejs.2005.149347
(2005). 'Thermal Stability and Dielectric Relaxation of NR/Soda Lignin and NR/thiolignin Composites.', EKB Journal Management System, 28(1), pp. 67-83. doi: 10.21608/ejs.2005.149347
Thermal Stability and Dielectric Relaxation of NR/Soda Lignin and NR/thiolignin Composites.. EKB Journal Management System, 2005; 28(1): 67-83. doi: 10.21608/ejs.2005.149347