Rice (Oryza sativa, L.) is one of the most important and leading food crops of
the world and the major stable food for over half of the world's population. More
important, it is the stable food in areas of high population density and fast
population growth. Therefore, it is important to increase the productivity of rice
yield to cover the increasing consumption needs. This problem had two solutions;
first, horizontal increase by increasing the total cultivated area but it was faced by
water shortage problem. Therefore, the Egyption government has tried to limit rice
cultivation areas, second, the vertical increase by increasing the productivity of unit
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Vol. 19 (1), 2014
Plant spacing is important production factor in transplant rice. Mohapatra and
Sharma (1988) found that plant spacing of 20 x 20 cm was better than those of 15
x 15 or 15 x 20 cm under normal soil for rice productivity. Patel (1999) observed
that hill spacing of 20 x 20 cm recorded perceptible increase in number of
panicles/m2, straw yield and yield compared to plant density obtained from 20 x 15
and 20 x 10 cm hill spacings. Number of grains/panicle and 1000- grain weight
were not affected by spacings. El-Shayieb (2003) and Gorgy (2007) confirmed that
narrow spacing of 10 x 20 cm gave the highest grain yield and yield components of
Giza 177 rice cultivar (inbred rice) as compared with 20 x 20 or 30 x 20 cm.
Utilization of biological N2 fixation (BNF) can decrease the application of mineral N
fertilizers, reducing environmental risks (Raimam et al.,2007 and Radwan et
al.,2008). Also, mycorrhiza fungi play on important role in whole plant nutrient
balance by aiding in the uptake of limiting nutrients and maintaining the nutrient
balance (Ning and Gumming, 2001). Using biofertilization or microbial inculcates to
replace or increase the efficiency of chemical fertilizer partially or totally is effective
in reducing the cost of crop production and maintaining the natural fertility of soil
(Bassal et al, 1996).
The information on role of mineral nitrogen, biofertilizers and plant spacing as well
as their combinations on production of rice are very scanty. Therefore, there is an
urgent need to study the response of some rice cultivars to different plant spacing
and bio fertilization nitrogenous, on some growth characters, yield components and
grain yield as well as grain quality characteristics under the conditions of Kafr El-
Sheikh Governorate.
Experimental treatments
Two field experiments were carried out at the experimental farm of Rice Research
and Training Center (RRTC) -Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Kafr El-Sheikh
Governorate, Egypt, during the two successive summer seasons of 2010 and
2011. Field experiments were conducted to study the effect of some of
biofertilization treatments and plant spacing on growth characters, yield and its
components and some grain quality characters of three rice cultivars. The soil
analysis of the experimental fields is shown in Table (1). Biofertlizers were
prepared in Sakha Agriculture Station–Bacterial Lab.
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Vol. 19 (1), 2014
Table (1): Some physical and chemical properties of the soil at the experimental
site under growing seasons.
Soil Properties 2010 2011
- Mechanical Analysis
Clay %
Silt %
Sand %
Soil texture
- Chemical Analysis
Organic Matter (OM) %
Available NO3 (Nitrate) mg/kg
Available NH4 (Ammonium) mg/kg
pH (1:2.5)
EC (ds m-1)
- Soluble anions (meq.l-1)
- Soluble cations (meq.l-1)
The experimental design was split-split-plot with three replications. The main
plots included three rice cultivars (C) i.e., Giza 178, Sakha 103 and Sakha 105.
While the combination of five nitrogen sources fertilizer was arranged in the sub
plots (i.e. control, recommended rate of nitrogen, micorrhiza +50% N rate, blue
green + 50% N rate and microrrhiza +blue green + 50% N rate). Plant spacings (S)
i.e., 10x15 , 10x20 and 10x25 cm were allocated to sub-sub-plots. The plot area
was 12m2 (4 m length and 3 m width). Rice seeds at the rate of 100 kg/ha were
soaked in fresh water for 24 hours then drained and incubated for 48 hours to
hasten early germination. The pre -germinated seeds were uniformly broadcasted
in the nursery on 7th May in 2010, and 2011 seasons. Nursery seedbed was well
ploughed and dry leveled. Phosphorous fertilizer in the form of single super
phosphate (15.5% P2O5) was added at the rate of 240 kg/ha (100 kg/fed.) before
tillage. Nitrogen in the form of Urea (46% N) at the rate of 144kg N/ha (60kg
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N/fed.) was added in two portions, first at the rate of (40kg N/fed.) as basal
dressing and the rest (20kg N/fed.) at panicle initiation. Zinc sulphate (22% Zn) at
the rate of 50kg /ha (20kg /fed.) was added after pudding and before planting. All
cultivation practices were done according to the common practices in rice growing.
Data recorded:
I- Yield and its components:
1. Panicle weight (g): The panicle weight in grams was recorded as the
average of ten panicles.
2. Number of filled grains/panicle: It was recorded as a number of filled grains
from ten main panicles randomly taken from each plant at harvesting time.
3. Number of panicles/m2: Average number of panicles from ten hills selected
randomly in each plot were counted and then computed as number of
panicles per square meter.
4. 1000-grain weight (g): Weight of 1000 rough grains, which were randomly
taken from the grain yield of each sub-sub plot.
5. Grain yield (t/ha): Area of 10 m2 (2.5 4 m) in the center of each sub-sub
plot was manually harvested, then left for air drying for about four days then
mechanically threshed and recorded and the weight was adjusted to 14%
moisture content (IRRI, 1996).
6. Straw yield (t/ha): Dry weight of straw of 10 m2 was weighted as straw yield
and adjusted to (t/ha).
7. Harvest index : It was estimated as follows :
8. 100
Biomass yield (biological yield)
Harvest index (HI) Grain yield (economic yield) x
II. Grain quality characters:
Milling characters:
Hulling percentage, milling output and head rice percentage were estimated
according to the methods reported by Adair (1952).
1. Hulling percentage:
About 150 g cleaned rough rice samples at moisture content 12-14% were
estimated using experimental huller machine (Satake) at Rice Technology and
Training Center, Alexandria.
Rough rice weight
Hulling % Brown rice weight x
2. Milling percentage:
Brown rice was consequently milled using milling machine model TMO5 at Rice
Technology and Training Center, Alexandria. The milled rice sample was then
collected and the weight was taken and percentage of total milled rice was
calculated by the following equation:
Rough rice weight
Milling % Milled rice weight x
3. Head rice percentage:
Whole milled grains were separated from milled rice by using a rice-sizing device.
Then, the percentage of head rice yield was obtained and calculated as follows:
Rough rice weight
Head rice % Whole grain weight x
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Vol. 19 (1), 2014
Statistical analysis:
All data collected were subjected to analysis of variance according to Gomez and
Gomez (1984). Treatment means were compared by Duncan’s multiple range test
(Duncan, 1955). All statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance
technique by means of “IRRISTAT” computer soft ware package.
Yield and its components:
Data cited in Table (2and 3) show that the three tested rice cultivars varied in
their yield and its components in both seasons. Sakha 105 cultivar significantly
surpassed the other cultivars in its panicle weight, number of filled grains/ panicle,
1000-grain weight (g) and grain yield in 2010 and 2011 seasons. Giza 178 cultivar
gave the highest values of number of panicles /m2 and harvest index, in the two
seasons. In addation, Giza 178 rice cultivar recorded the highest straw yield
followed by Sakha 105. So it is clear from these results that Sakha 105 cultivar
was the best on most traits. The trends of the obtained results are in good
accordance with that reported by many investigators such as Salem et al. (2006),
Gorgy (2007), Radwan et al. (2008), Tabl (2008), Shaalan (2009) and Abou-Khalifa
It is clear that plant received half of the recommended rate of mineral nitrogen
combined with micorrhiza + blue green significantly increased panicle weight,
number of filled grains/ panicle, number of panicles /m2 and 1000-grain weight and
grain yield as well as harvest index in the two seasons (Table 2and 3). On the
other hand, the lowest values were obtained from control (without fertilizer), while
nitrogen recommend gave the highest value of straw yield ha-1 in the two seasons.
This effect may be due to that the bio-fertilizer plus mineral fertilizer has much
higher nitrogen which essential for building up protoplasm and proteins as well as
induces cell division and initiate meristematic activity. This effect resulted in an
increase in cell number and cell size with an overall increase in leaf production.The
same results were recorded by Salem (2006), Radwan et al. (2008) and
Wijebandara et al. (2009) and Xian et al. (2009) are supported the obtained
It is clear that panicle weight, number of filled grains/ panicle, number of panicles
/m2 and 1000-grain weight , grain yield and harvest index were significantly
influenced by plant spacing during both growing seasons (Table 2and 3).
increasing plant spacing from 10×25 to 10×20 cm significantly increased values on
most traits consequently the low plant spacing 10×15 cm produced the lowest
values of yield and its components, meanwhile, the highest straw yield was
obtained from the high plant density (low spacing, 10×15cm) in both seasons. The
increase in number of panicles/m2by decreasing plant spacing was mainly due to
the increase in number of tellers per plant. These findings are in harmony with
those recorded by Salem (2006), Abd El-Salam (2006), Gorgy (2007), Shaalan
(2009) and Radwan et al. (2008) and Xian et al. (2009).
It is clear from Table (1) that the highest number of filled grains/ panicle and 1000-
grain weight were recorded under the treatment including the combination of
Sakha 105 cultivar and 50% recommend rate nitrogen and inoculation with
Micorhiza + Bluegreen in 2010 and 2011seasons. While the narrow was true for
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Giza 178, under % recommend rate nitrogen and inoculation with Micorhiza +
Bluegreen in the second season.
Table (2): Panicle weight (g), number of filled grains/ panicle, number of panicles
/m2 and 1000-grain weight (g) as influenced by rice cultivar, N-fertilizer
source, plant spacing and their interaction in 2010 and 2011 seasons.
2010 2011
Main effects and
No. of filled
No. of
panicles/ m2
weight (g)
No. of filled
grains/ panicle
No. of
weight (g)
Cultivar (C):
Giza 178
Sakha 103
Sakha 105
2.60 b
2.22 c
3.08 a
99.86 c
109.18 b
114.91 a
443.13 a
394.34 c
426.04 b
21.25 c
22.43 b
23.36 a
3.07 b
2.78 c
3.21 a
113.31 c
114.62 b
117.25 a
471.19 a
418.13 c
441.58 b
23.83 c
26.00 b
28.33 a
F- test ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
N -fertilizer source (N):
Nitrogen recommend
Micorhiza + 50% N
Blue green + 50% N
Micorhiza + Bluegreen +
50% N
2.38 e
2.52 d
2.76 b
2.64 c
2.88 a
104.53 e
106.31 d
109.39 b
107.47 c
112.22 a
389.55 d
405.41 c
434.17 b
409.81 c
466.92 a
20.67 e
21.70 d
22.90 b
22.23 c
24.23 a
2.79 e
2.92 d
3.14 b
3.04 c
3.23 a
113.18 e
114.04 d
116.04 b
115.01 c
117.05 a
24.79 e
25.26 d
26.76 b
26.11 c
27.35 a
F- test ** ** ** ** ** ** N.S **
Plant spacing(S):
10 x 15 cm
10 x 20 cm
10 x 25 cm
2.52 c
2.74 a
2.64 b
105.81 c
110.06 a
108.09 b
413.80 c
428.10 a
421.62 b
21.59 c
23.02 a
22.44 b
2.99 c
3.06 a
3.02 b
114.88 c
115.24 a
115.06 b
441.19 c
445.61 a
444.10 b
25.85 c
26.24 a
26.08 b
F- test ** ** ** ** ** ** **
C x N
Cx S
N x S
C x N x S
*, **, N.S indicates P < 0.05, P > 0.01 and not significant, respectively. Means of
each factor designated by the same latter are not significantly different at 5% level,
using Duncan's multiple range test.
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Vol. 19 (1), 2014
Table (3): Effect of different N-fertilizer source, plant spacing and their interaction
on grain yield, straw yield and harvest index of three rice cultivars in
2010 and 2011 seasons.
2011 2010
Main effects and
Straw yield
Cultivar (C):
Giza 178
Sakha 103
Sakha 105
9.26 b
8.82 c
10.12 a
10.50 c
12.07 b
46.88 a
37.78 c
45.59 b
10.03 b
9.59 c
10.88 a
10.86 c
15.01 a
12.56 b
48.00 a
38.97 c
46.41 b
F- test ** ** ** ** ** **
N- fertilizer source (N):
Nitrogen recommend
Micorhiza + 50% N
Blue green + 50% N
Micorhiza + Bluegreen +
50% N
8.80 e
9.68 b
9.42 c
9.96 a
12.13 c
12.68 a
12.17 c
12.45 b
12.39 b
42.32 d
42.18 d
44.47 b
43.32 c
44.79 a
9.57 e
10.44 b
10.18 c
10.73 a
12.51 d
13.16 a
12.64 d
12.94 b
12.80 c
43.57 d
43.20 e
45.48 b
44.24 c
45.80 a
F- test ** ** ** ** ** **
Plant spacing(S):
10 x 15 cm
10 x 20 cm
10 x 25 cm
9.49 a
9.41 b
12.43 a
12.31 b
12.35 b
43.04 c
43.73 a
43.47 b
10.08 c
10.25 a
10.17 b
12.87 a
12.72 b
13.82 a
44.12 c
44.84 a
44.41 b
F- test ** ** ** ** ** **
C x N
C x S
N x S
C x N x S
*, **, N.S indicates P < 0.05, P > 0.01 and not significant, respectively. Means of
each factor designated by the same latter are not significantly different at 5% level,
using Duncan's multiple range test.
As for the interaction between rice cultivar and plant spacing on No. of filled grains/
panicle, grain yield and straw yield there was significant effect in the two seasons
(Tables 2and 3 ). Planting at a narrow spacing 10×20 cm of Sakha 105 cultivar
recorded the highest values of traits, while the lightest straw yield were produced
by Giza 178 cultivar with hill spacing (10×20 cm) according to Table (3).
The interaction between N-fertilizer source and plant spacing (N x S) in both
seasons were only significant on panicle weight as well as 1000-grain weight and
harvest index in 2010 and 2011 seasons, (Table 2and 3). The highest panicle
weight, 1000-grain weight and harvest index were obtained when nitrogen fertilizer
was applied at the rate of 50% of recommended mineral nitrogen + Micorhiza +
Bluegreen with medium plant spacing (10×20cm). While, the inferior value was
observed with the treatment combination of control (without fertilizer) under the
lowest density (10×15cm) conditions.
The results in Table (2) indicate that the highest number of filled grains/ panicle
recorded by Sakha 105 cultivar with application of Micorhiza + Bluegreen + 50% of
recommended nitrogen rate as well as plant spacing10×20 cm. Whereas, Giza 178
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Vol. 19 (1), 2014
cultivar produced the lowest number of filled grains/ panicle under control
treatment (without fertilizer) and using 10×15 cm plant spacing in 2010 and 2011
II. Grain quality characters:
It is clear that hulling, milling and head rice percentage of the three tested cultivars
varied significantly in both seasons (Table 4). The highest hulling percentage (82.76
and 83.63% in 2010 and 2011 seasons, respectively) belonged to Sakha 103 cultivar.
While, Sakha 105 cultivar produced the highest values of milling and head rice
percentage (75.56 and 72.63%) and (69.54 and 66.01%) in both seasons,
respectively. These differences may be due to the differences in the genetic
structure and its interaction with environmental conditions. Similar differences
among rice cultivars in hulling percentage were reported by Chauhan and Singh
(1992), Gorgy (2007) and El-Ekhtyar (2004).
N-fertilizer source significantly affected hulling, milling and head rice percentage in
the two seasons. Application of Micorhiza + Bluegreen + 50% of recommended
nitrogen rate produced the highest values of brown rice, milling and head rice
percentage (80.18, 74.42, 67.70, 80.86, 72.77 and 65.34 %) followed by adding
Micorhiza + 50% nitrogen in 2010 and 2011 seasons. Likewise, mineral nitrogen
plus bio-fertilization had favorable effect on grain quality characters via improving
growth, escalating photosynthetic rate consequently improving both grain filling
and grain quality as shown in Table (4).
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Vol. 19 (1), 2014
Table (4): Hulling, milling and head rice percentage as influenced by N-fertilizer
source, plant spacing and their interaction of three rice cultivars in
2010 and 2011 seasons.
Main effects and
2011 2010
Cultivars (C):
Giza 178
Sakha 103
Sakha 105
76.62 c
82.76 a
78.55 b
71.89 c
73.43 b
75.56 a
66.12 b
64.18 c
69.54 a
77.65 c
83.63 a
79.10 b
71.24 c
72.27 b
72.63 a
64.50 b
63.23 c
66.01 a
F- test ** ** ** ** ** **
N- fertilizer source (N):
Nitrogen recommend
Micorhiza + 50% N
Blue green + 50% N
Micorhiza + Bluegreen +
50% N
78.35 e
78.89 d
79.74 b
79.41 c
80.18 a
72.51 e
73.36 d
74.02 b
73.80 c
74.42 a
65.45 e
66.08 d
67.19 b
66.66 c
67.70 a
79.24 e
79.82 d
80.50 b
80.21 c
80.86 a
71.06 e
71.79 d
72.44 b
72.16 c
72.77 a
63.61 e
64.27 d
65.05 b
64.63 c
65.34 a
F- test ** ** ** ** ** **
Plant spacing(S):
10 x 15 cm
10 x 20 cm
10 x 25 cm
78.95 c
79.64 a
79.35 b
72.86 c
74.15 a
73.87 b
65.69 c
6721 a
66.95 b
80.02 c
80.23 a
80.13 b
71.91 c
72.17 a
72.06 b
64.44 c
64.72 a
64.59 b
F- test ** ** ** ** ** **
C x N
Cx S
N x S
C x N x S
**, N.S indicates P > 0.01 and not significant, respectively. Means of each factor
designated by the same latter are not significantly different at 5% level, using
Duncan's multiple range test.
Concerning, the effect of plant spacing on grain quality characters, the data in
Table (4) reveal that plant spacing had a significant effect on the values of hulling,
milling and head rice percentage in the two seasons. Data in the same Table show
also that increasing plant spacing from 10×20 up to 10×25 cm decreased
percentage of hulling significantly in both seasons. The highest values of hulling,
milling and head rice percentage (79.64 and 80.24%),(73.87 and 72.06%) and
(66.95 and 64.59 %) were produced from 10×20 cm hill spacing, while the lowest
ones (78.95 and 80.02%),(72.86 and 71.91%) and (65.69 and 64.44 %) were
produced from narrow plant spacing during the two growing seasons, respectively.
These results are in harmony with those reported by El-Shayb (2003).
Data documented in Table (4) show that the combination between Sakha 105
cultivar and Micorhiza + Bluegreen + 50% of recommended nitrogen rate /ha
produced the highest values of milling percentage (76.51 %) in 1st season and
head rice percentage (70.57 and 66.67 %) in both seasons, respectively in 2nd
season of study Sakha 103 cultivar and Micorhiza + Bluegreen + 50% nitrogen
recommend /ha recorded the highest values of milling percentage (73.34%).While
the lowest values of milling and head rice percentage were recorded when Giza
178 rice cultivar was planted without fertilization in 1st and 2nd seasons.
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Vol. 19 (1), 2014
Data in Table (3) reveal that the highest values of hulling percentage were
recorded by Sakha 103 cultivar under the medium spacing (10×20 cm) in both
seasons. Meanwhile, the highest values of milling percentage were produced from
Sakha 103 and narrow spacing (10×15 cm) in 2010 and 2011 seasons. On the
other hand, Giza 178 gave the lowest ones when it was planted under the narrow
spacing in both seasons of study.
Data in Table (4) reveal that the highest values of hulling rice percentage were
recorded by Sakha 103 cultivar when it was fertilized with Micorhiza + Bluegreen +
mineral nitrogen at 50% of recommend nitrogen rate /ha and it planting 10×20 cm.
Meanwhile, the highest values of head rice were produced from Sakha 105 cultivar
when fertilized with Micorhiza + Bluegreen + 50% of recommended nitrogen rate
/ha under medium spacing in both seasons. On contrast, Giza 178 cultivar
recorded the lowest percentage of hulling without fertilizers at narrow plant spacing
(10×15 cm) in both seasons.
From the above mentioned results and under the conditions of this study it could
be concluded that the most economic fertilization treatment for maximum yield and
its components of rice Sakha 105 rice cultivar as well as grain quality
characteristics in North delta region are 50% of recommended nitrogen rate/ha
with bio-fertilization (Micorhiza + Bluegreen) when, planted at medium hill spacing
(10×20 cm), reduce the cost of production and pollution which could occur by the
excessive use of chemical fertilization.