جَلالُ الدِّينِ السّيُوطِي فِي ضَوءِ الرَّسَائِلِ الجَامِعِيِّةِ التُّرکِيَّة | ||||
مجلة کلية اللغة العربية بإتاى البارود | ||||
Article 8, Volume 34, Issue 1, April 2021, Page 463-503 PDF (1 MB) | ||||
Document Type: المقالة الأصلية | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/jlt.2021.173190 | ||||
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Author | ||||
حسام عبد الجليل | ||||
قسم اللغة العربية، کلية الآداب جامعة حلوان، القاهرة، مصر. | ||||
Abstract | ||||
يَسْعَى هذا البَحثُ لِبَيانِ مَوقِفِ الأکَادِيمِيِّين الأتراکِ مِن جَلالِ الدين السيوطي على مُستَوَى الدِّراساتِ العُليا في جامِعَاتِهم لِلکَشْفِ عن مَدَى اعْتنائِهِم بالسّيوطي وبمُؤَلَّفاتِهِ في مَرحَلَتَي الماجستير والدکتوراه، والجَوَانِبِ العِلمِيَّةِ التي تَمَّ التَّرکِيزُ علَيهَا لِمَعرِفَة نَظرَتِهِم العِلمِيَّةِ تِجاهَه، وفي ضوء ذلک يجيبُ البحث عن الأسئلة الآتية: هَلْ اقْتُصِرَ في هذه الأبحاثِ عَلَى دِراسَةِ مُؤَلَّفاتِ السيوطي دِراسَةً أکادِيمِيَّةً فقط، أَمْ تَعَدَّى ذلِکَ إِلَى تَرجَمَةِ بعْضِ أعْمَالِهِ إلى اللغةِ الترکيةِ أو تَحْقِيقِهَا ضِمنَ هذِهِ الرَّسائل؟ وبِمَا أنَّ کَثِيرًا مِن هذه المؤَلَّفَاتِ قَد حُقِّقَ في البِلادِ العَرَبِيةِ، فَهَل کانَ للأتْراکِ إضافَاتٌ في هذا الـمَجَال؟ أمْ أُعِيدَ تَحقِيقُ بَعضِ هذِه الـمُؤلَّفَاتِ مَرَّةً ثَانِيَةً فِي تُرکِيَا؟ بعِبَارَةٍ أُخرى: هَل کَانَ ثَمَّةَ تَکامُلٌ بين الدارسين العَرَبِ والأتْراکِ في هذا الجانِب؟ أم ظَهَرَ التَدَاخُلُ والتَعَارُضُ بينَهُمَا؟ جاء البَحثُ في فَصْلَين؛ اختَصَّ الأوَّلُ برَسَائِلِ المـَاجِستير، والثَّانِي بِرَسَائِلِ الدُّکْتوراه، أعقَبَهُمَا خَاتِمَةٌ ثُمَّ بِيبليوجرافيا بالرَّسائِلِ مَحَلِّ الدِّراسَةِ، ثُمَّ الـمَراجِع. Celâlettin es-Suyûtî in the light of Graduate Theses prepared in Turkey Hossam Abdel Aziz Abdel Jalil Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Literature - Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt ABSTRACT: This study aims to reveal the positions of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī (d. 911/1505) in the axis of his studies at the master and doctorate level of Turkish academicians, to figure out how they are interested in his works, on which scientific subjects they are focused on, and to determine the scientific perspectives about al-Suyūṭī. In this context, the following questions will be discussed: Have al-Suyūṭī`s studies been examined only from an academic point of view or have some of his works been translated into Turkish or edited and criticized? As it is known, many of Suyûtî's works have been edited and criticized in Arab countries. Then, the following questions also will be explored: Have the Turks contributed to the edited and criticized of the books of the author or have some of the books been re-edited in Turkey? In other words, the article aims to reveal whether there is a developmental relation between Turks and Arabs in this context or whether there is a conflict and discussion between them. The research covers dissertations in thirty years between 1989 when the first one was accepted and 2019 when the last one was accepted. During the study of the article, firstly dissertations about al-Suyūṭī were collected and the titles of them were translated into Arabic. Then, the theses were classified according to their departments and the chapters were listed in chronological order according to the acceptance dates of them. Finally, some of the dissertations were chosen and the main axis, the methods of these and their perspectives about al-Suyūṭī were tried to be find out. The study consists of two chapters and one result. While master dissertations were revealed in the first chapter, the doctoral dissertations were be discussed in the second chapter. At the end of the research, bibliography of the theses and the sources used were given. | ||||
Keywords | ||||
السيوطي، الجامِعات الترکية، الدراسات العليا الترکية، الماجستير، الدکتوراه. al-Suyūṭī; Turkish Universities; postgraduate dissertations; master; doctorate | ||||
References | ||||
السيوطي، جلال الدين عبد الرحمن بن أبي بکر (849 – 911هـ):
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