أثر الحساسية للبيئة والسلوک غير التقليدي للقائد الکاريزمي على سلوکيات البلطجة في مکان العمل بالتطبيق على العاملين بمجالس المدن بمحافظة الدقهلية | ||||
المجلة المصرية للدراسات التجارية | ||||
Article 2, Volume 41, Issue 3, July 2017, Page 129-161 PDF (1.05 MB) | ||||
Document Type: المقالة الأصلية | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/alat.2017.207764 | ||||
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Authors | ||||
عبد الحکيم أحمد نجم; محمد محمود عبد الليف; هند السيد عثمان | ||||
جامعة المنصورة | ||||
Abstract | ||||
Abstract: This study examined the relationship between each of sensitivity to environment, unconventional leader behavior and workplace bullying applied to the employees in City Councils in Dakahlia Governorate. The data collected based on a survey which consists of 29 statements that distributed to 373 employees who work in city councils to achieve the purpose of this study. The results show that there is a weak significant correlation between each of sensitivity to the environment and unconventional behavior and all workplace bullying dimensions (physically intimidiating bullying, personal-related bullying, and workrelated bullying), and The findings show that sensitivity to the environment has a negative significant effect on all of workplace bullying dimensions but this significant effect didn't occur from unconventional behavior to leader on physically intimidiating bullying and personal related bullying | ||||
References | ||||
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