التکاليف الملائمة لترشيد قرارات التکامل بين عمليات التعهيد ونظرية القيود بهدف دعم الميزة التنافسية - دراسة تطبيقية | ||||
المجلة المصرية للدراسات التجارية | ||||
Article 7, Volume 41, Issue 3, July 2017, Page 281-307 PDF (623.28 K) | ||||
Document Type: المقالة الأصلية | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/alat.2017.207837 | ||||
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Authors | ||||
محمود عبد الفتاح إبراهيم; ميثم حازم عزيز عبود | ||||
جامعة المنصورة | ||||
Abstract | ||||
Abstract the sake For respond to the market changes of daily and are difficult to predict and trends, The facility has resorted to focus on doing activities and processes which achieved a competitive advantage compared to competitors, And depending on outsourcing in the performance of processes and activities that expected to better their performance on the part of specialists from outside, And then has resorted installations for specialization and focus its resources on those areas where it excels, With outsourcing some of their activities / operations to external specialists more competent in the performance of those activities. This study aims to shed light on the appropriate costs for the rationalization of decisions to achieve integration between outsourcing operations and theory of constraints with the aim of build competitive advantage and the factors that contribute to the achievement. The study growing studies that addressed the issue of outsourcing and their contribution to in supporting the competitive advantage, Well as the impact of the integration process between outsourcing operations and Theory of Constraints through the rationalization of the appropriate cost in reaching to the main goal of supporting the competitive advantage of the facility. The study reached to several conclusions, included the need to adopt the concept of integration between outsourcing 2 operations and theory of constraints because of its significant impact in achieving the highest a competitive advantage, By eliminating the constraints facing activities and operations of industrial plants. | ||||
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