The Power of Place: Aesthetic and Semiotic Function of Landscape in Henry James' The Europeans - An Interdisciplinary Study
Elshamy, N. (2022). The Power of Place: Aesthetic and Semiotic Function of Landscape in Henry James' The Europeans - An Interdisciplinary Study. EKB Journal Management System, 4(1), 35-63. doi: 10.21608/buijhs.2022.225540
Nashwa Mohammad Saad Elshamy. "The Power of Place: Aesthetic and Semiotic Function of Landscape in Henry James' The Europeans - An Interdisciplinary Study". EKB Journal Management System, 4, 1, 2022, 35-63. doi: 10.21608/buijhs.2022.225540
Elshamy, N. (2022). 'The Power of Place: Aesthetic and Semiotic Function of Landscape in Henry James' The Europeans - An Interdisciplinary Study', EKB Journal Management System, 4(1), pp. 35-63. doi: 10.21608/buijhs.2022.225540
Elshamy, N. The Power of Place: Aesthetic and Semiotic Function of Landscape in Henry James' The Europeans - An Interdisciplinary Study. EKB Journal Management System, 2022; 4(1): 35-63. doi: 10.21608/buijhs.2022.225540