Exploring the urban spatial structuring of new fourth-generation city sites for Delta region development: New Mansoura city, the Delta tourism capital | ||||
International Design Journal | ||||
Article 6, Volume 12, Issue 4 - Serial Number 46, July and August 2022, Page 65-79 PDF (1.13 MB) | ||||
Document Type: Original Article | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/idj.2022.245854 | ||||
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Author | ||||
Riham Salah Mohamed | ||||
lecturer of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Horus University. | ||||
Abstract | ||||
Land ownership is crucial, especially if the projects being developed are government-funded development projects. The establishment of new cities is one of the state-sponsored projects that have an impact on urban spatial reorganization. During the Corona crisis, Due to their low urban density, these cities gave shelter to certain inhabitants. The study focused on the projects of establishing new cities. The vision and goals of urban renewal and shedding light on the variables in the urban spatial restructuring of the Delta region in Egypt. Also, modifying the urban fabric of the built environment in light of future strategic plans. Certainly, spatial structuring is linked to the choice of project sites, where the sites of new cities are what determine the success or failure of the city for its residents. The purpose of this study is to explore and monitor the fourth generation of new cities by considering: First, the reasons and motives that support the creation of new cities. Secondly, the criteria for selecting city locations, as well as how closely they relate to existing cities. Third, determine the extent to which the design of cities affects residents and their sense of place. Fourth, the different ways in which urban transformation can affect societal identity, as well as the social, cultural, and health repercussions of this transformation, particularly during a pandemic. Fifthly, are there new design criteria for new cities as a result of epidemiological urbanization (the Corona pandemic)? Finally, the use of the new city of Mansoura as a case study.: | ||||
Keywords | ||||
Spatial transformation، new cities، urbanization، urban density، urban transformation; epidemic urbanization | ||||
References | ||||
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