Climate change impacts on determinants of food security for the most important vegetable oils in the light of the local and global variables
Negm, M., Hefnawy, F. (2022). Climate change impacts on determinants of food security for the most important vegetable oils in the light of the local and global variables. EKB Journal Management System, 48(3), 323-334. doi: 10.21608/jsas.2022.126042.1344
Mostafa Mohamed Elmahdy Negm; Fatma Hefnawy. "Climate change impacts on determinants of food security for the most important vegetable oils in the light of the local and global variables". EKB Journal Management System, 48, 3, 2022, 323-334. doi: 10.21608/jsas.2022.126042.1344
Negm, M., Hefnawy, F. (2022). 'Climate change impacts on determinants of food security for the most important vegetable oils in the light of the local and global variables', EKB Journal Management System, 48(3), pp. 323-334. doi: 10.21608/jsas.2022.126042.1344
Negm, M., Hefnawy, F. Climate change impacts on determinants of food security for the most important vegetable oils in the light of the local and global variables. EKB Journal Management System, 2022; 48(3): 323-334. doi: 10.21608/jsas.2022.126042.1344