Effect of Yakson’s Therapeutic Touch on Vital Signs, Growth Measurements and Behavioral State of Preterm Neonates
Farag, M., Zakaria, S., Darwish, A., Abouheiba, M. (2022). Effect of Yakson’s Therapeutic Touch on Vital Signs, Growth Measurements and Behavioral State of Preterm Neonates. EKB Journal Management System, 24(3), 125-137. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2022.267761
Marwa Mohamed Farag; Sabrin El-sayed Zakaria; Azza Mostafa Darwish; Marwa Gadelrab Abouheiba. "Effect of Yakson’s Therapeutic Touch on Vital Signs, Growth Measurements and Behavioral State of Preterm Neonates". EKB Journal Management System, 24, 3, 2022, 125-137. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2022.267761
Farag, M., Zakaria, S., Darwish, A., Abouheiba, M. (2022). 'Effect of Yakson’s Therapeutic Touch on Vital Signs, Growth Measurements and Behavioral State of Preterm Neonates', EKB Journal Management System, 24(3), pp. 125-137. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2022.267761
Farag, M., Zakaria, S., Darwish, A., Abouheiba, M. Effect of Yakson’s Therapeutic Touch on Vital Signs, Growth Measurements and Behavioral State of Preterm Neonates. EKB Journal Management System, 2022; 24(3): 125-137. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2022.267761