The Impact of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem on Developing Nations' Competitiveness: Using Co-integration Models
Abd-El hamed, H., Emara, A., Saeed Soliman Desoky, E. (2022). The Impact of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem on Developing Nations' Competitiveness: Using Co-integration Models. EKB Journal Management System, 36(4), 1-26.
Hoda Abd-El hamed; Amira Emara; Eman Saeed Soliman Desoky. "The Impact of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem on Developing Nations' Competitiveness: Using Co-integration Models". EKB Journal Management System, 36, 4, 2022, 1-26.
Abd-El hamed, H., Emara, A., Saeed Soliman Desoky, E. (2022). 'The Impact of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem on Developing Nations' Competitiveness: Using Co-integration Models', EKB Journal Management System, 36(4), pp. 1-26.
Abd-El hamed, H., Emara, A., Saeed Soliman Desoky, E. The Impact of Entrepreneurship Ecosystem on Developing Nations' Competitiveness: Using Co-integration Models. EKB Journal Management System, 2022; 36(4): 1-26.