Rural Women's Practice to Dispose Farm and Home Waste and Some Variables Affecting it in Some Villages of Dakahlia, Monofia, Fayoum, and Beni-Swief Governorates
FAHMY, A. (2003). Rural Women's Practice to Dispose Farm and Home Waste and Some Variables Affecting it in Some Villages of Dakahlia, Monofia, Fayoum, and Beni-Swief Governorates. EKB Journal Management System, 81(2), 817-838. doi: 10.21608/ejar.2003.278045
AFAF M. G. FAHMY. "Rural Women's Practice to Dispose Farm and Home Waste and Some Variables Affecting it in Some Villages of Dakahlia, Monofia, Fayoum, and Beni-Swief Governorates". EKB Journal Management System, 81, 2, 2003, 817-838. doi: 10.21608/ejar.2003.278045
FAHMY, A. (2003). 'Rural Women's Practice to Dispose Farm and Home Waste and Some Variables Affecting it in Some Villages of Dakahlia, Monofia, Fayoum, and Beni-Swief Governorates', EKB Journal Management System, 81(2), pp. 817-838. doi: 10.21608/ejar.2003.278045
FAHMY, A. Rural Women's Practice to Dispose Farm and Home Waste and Some Variables Affecting it in Some Villages of Dakahlia, Monofia, Fayoum, and Beni-Swief Governorates. EKB Journal Management System, 2003; 81(2): 817-838. doi: 10.21608/ejar.2003.278045