Incidence, Bacterial causes and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Urinary Tract Infection in Pet Animals
Ataya, H., Soliman, S., kayaf, K., Marouf, S., Alamry, K. (2023). Incidence, Bacterial causes and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Urinary Tract Infection in Pet Animals. EKB Journal Management System, 8(2), 35-43. doi: 10.21608/javs.2023.179690.1199
Hany AbdEl-Samiae Ataya; Soliman M. Soliman; Kaltham Ali Hussain kayaf; Sherif Marouf; Khaled Alamry. "Incidence, Bacterial causes and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Urinary Tract Infection in Pet Animals". EKB Journal Management System, 8, 2, 2023, 35-43. doi: 10.21608/javs.2023.179690.1199
Ataya, H., Soliman, S., kayaf, K., Marouf, S., Alamry, K. (2023). 'Incidence, Bacterial causes and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Urinary Tract Infection in Pet Animals', EKB Journal Management System, 8(2), pp. 35-43. doi: 10.21608/javs.2023.179690.1199
Ataya, H., Soliman, S., kayaf, K., Marouf, S., Alamry, K. Incidence, Bacterial causes and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Urinary Tract Infection in Pet Animals. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 8(2): 35-43. doi: 10.21608/javs.2023.179690.1199