Hepatitis B Seroprevalence and Consequences in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, Pakistan
Alghamdi, S., Dablool, A., Al-Abdullah, N. (2023). Hepatitis B Seroprevalence and Consequences in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, Pakistan. EKB Journal Management System, 15(1), 295-304. doi: 10.21608/eajbsc.2023.291983
Saad Alghamdi; Anas S. Dablool; Nabeela Al-Abdullah. "Hepatitis B Seroprevalence and Consequences in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, Pakistan". EKB Journal Management System, 15, 1, 2023, 295-304. doi: 10.21608/eajbsc.2023.291983
Alghamdi, S., Dablool, A., Al-Abdullah, N. (2023). 'Hepatitis B Seroprevalence and Consequences in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, Pakistan', EKB Journal Management System, 15(1), pp. 295-304. doi: 10.21608/eajbsc.2023.291983
Alghamdi, S., Dablool, A., Al-Abdullah, N. Hepatitis B Seroprevalence and Consequences in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar, Pakistan. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 15(1): 295-304. doi: 10.21608/eajbsc.2023.291983