Effect of Educational Program about Authentic Leadership for Head Nurses on Staff Nurses' Resilience and Innovation Behavior | ||||
Port Said Scientific Journal of Nursing | ||||
Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2023, Page 32-58 PDF (764.25 K) | ||||
Document Type: Original Article | ||||
DOI: 10.21608/pssjn.2023.126473.1183 | ||||
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Authors | ||||
Samah Aboelenein Aboelenein ![]() | ||||
1nursing administration, faculty of nursing, tanta university, Egy | ||||
2Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University | ||||
Abstract | ||||
Background: Authentic leadership has the power to affect nurses' behavior and job outcomes. As leaders, head nurses can utilize authentic leadership style to favorably influence staff nurses, increasing their creativity, innovative behaviors also facilitating their workplace resilience. Aim: to assess the effect of educational program about authentic leadership for head nurses on staff nurses' resilience and innovation behavior. Research design: Quasi-experimental research design was utilized in the study. Setting: The study was conducted at the Tanta International Teaching Hospital. Subjects: All head nurses worked in the inpatient, outpatient, critical care, and infection control units (n = 54) and all staff nurses worked in the same units (n = 450) were included in the study. Tools: Four tools were utilized for data collection namely, Authentic Leadership Knowledge Questionnaire, Authentic Leadership Perception Questionnaire, Resilience Questionnaire, and Innovative Behavior Inventory. Results: Head nurses' knowledge and authentic leadership style levels were low pre-program implementation while, they had higher scores with statistically significant differences post program implementation, also staff nurses' resilience and innovation score were increased post program implementation. Conclusions: Authentic leadership educational program had a positive effect on head nurses through increasing their knowledge and staff nurses' perception about their authentic leadership style post the program implementation during the different times of measurement. Also, staff nurses' resilience and innovation scores increased post program implementation. Recommendations: According to the findings, head nurses must attend periodic seminars and workshops to improve their leadership style competencies so that their staff nurses can be more innovative and empowered. | ||||
Keywords | ||||
Authentic Leadership; Educational Program; Head Nurses; Innovation; Resilience; Staff Nurses | ||||
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