Abbasid Dirham of (al-Natiq be al-Haq Moussa)194h
Moussa, M. (2017). Abbasid Dirham of (al-Natiq be al-Haq Moussa)194h. EKB Journal Management System, 20(1), 1406-1422. doi: 10.21608/cguaa.2017.29706
Marwa Adel Moussa. "Abbasid Dirham of (al-Natiq be al-Haq Moussa)194h". EKB Journal Management System, 20, 1, 2017, 1406-1422. doi: 10.21608/cguaa.2017.29706
Moussa, M. (2017). 'Abbasid Dirham of (al-Natiq be al-Haq Moussa)194h', EKB Journal Management System, 20(1), pp. 1406-1422. doi: 10.21608/cguaa.2017.29706
Moussa, M. Abbasid Dirham of (al-Natiq be al-Haq Moussa)194h. EKB Journal Management System, 2017; 20(1): 1406-1422. doi: 10.21608/cguaa.2017.29706