Alleviation Salinity Stress On Tomato Plants By Some Organic and Bio-Fertilizers Application
Radwan, G., Malash, N., Khalil, M., Midan, S., Radwan, G. (2023). Alleviation Salinity Stress On Tomato Plants By Some Organic and Bio-Fertilizers Application. EKB Journal Management System, 8(4), 47-84. doi: 10.21608/mjppf.2023.207391.1024
ghada Radwan; N. M Malash; Mona R Khalil; Sally A Midan; Ghada A. Radwan. "Alleviation Salinity Stress On Tomato Plants By Some Organic and Bio-Fertilizers Application". EKB Journal Management System, 8, 4, 2023, 47-84. doi: 10.21608/mjppf.2023.207391.1024
Radwan, G., Malash, N., Khalil, M., Midan, S., Radwan, G. (2023). 'Alleviation Salinity Stress On Tomato Plants By Some Organic and Bio-Fertilizers Application', EKB Journal Management System, 8(4), pp. 47-84. doi: 10.21608/mjppf.2023.207391.1024
Radwan, G., Malash, N., Khalil, M., Midan, S., Radwan, G. Alleviation Salinity Stress On Tomato Plants By Some Organic and Bio-Fertilizers Application. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 8(4): 47-84. doi: 10.21608/mjppf.2023.207391.1024