Effect of Self-Learning Intervention on Knowledge, Attitudes and Care Provided among  Nurses Caring for HIV AIDs Patients in Fever Hospitals
Ali, R., Gwayed, B., E, K., Mohamed, R. (2023). Effect of Self-Learning Intervention on Knowledge, Attitudes and Care Provided among  Nurses Caring for HIV\ AIDs Patients in Fever Hospitals. EKB Journal Management System, 29(2), 62-84. doi: 10.21608/tsnj.2023.306347
Rehab Elsayed Ali; Basema Ezat Gwayed; Khaton S. E; Rabeaa Abd Rabo Mohamed. "Effect of Self-Learning Intervention on Knowledge, Attitudes and Care Provided among  Nurses Caring for HIV\ AIDs Patients in Fever Hospitals". EKB Journal Management System, 29, 2, 2023, 62-84. doi: 10.21608/tsnj.2023.306347
Ali, R., Gwayed, B., E, K., Mohamed, R. (2023). 'Effect of Self-Learning Intervention on Knowledge, Attitudes and Care Provided among  Nurses Caring for HIV\ AIDs Patients in Fever Hospitals', EKB Journal Management System, 29(2), pp. 62-84. doi: 10.21608/tsnj.2023.306347
Ali, R., Gwayed, B., E, K., Mohamed, R. Effect of Self-Learning Intervention on Knowledge, Attitudes and Care Provided among  Nurses Caring for HIV\ AIDs Patients in Fever Hospitals. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 29(2): 62-84. doi: 10.21608/tsnj.2023.306347