Scientific Research;
- Aldo Chircop, Testing International Legal Regimes: The Advent of Automated Commercial Vessels, Dalhousie University, Canada, 2018
- Adam James Fenton, Ukraine: how uncrewed boats are changing the way wars are fought at sea Coventry University, UK, 2023
- An Evaluation of the Shipowner’s Liability Challenges Arising out of Autonomous and Remote-Controlled Vessels, University of Oslo ,2020
- B. S. Rivkin, Unmanned Ships: Navigation and More, Gyroscopy and navigation, Russia, Vol. 12, 2021
- Being a responsible industry, Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems (MASS) UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice, A Voluntary Code Version 5, Maritime UK, 2021
- Being a responsible industry, Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems (MASS) UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice, A Voluntary Code Version 6, Maritime UK, 2022
- Being a responsible industry: an Industry Code of Practice, Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS), UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice, Society of Maritime Industries, UK, 2019
- Danish Maritime Authority, analysis of regulatory barriers to the use of autonomous ships, final report, 2017
- Hannes Gosch, legal analysis of collision liability in the context of unmanned shipping, Graduate Thesis, Lund University, Sweden, 2019
- Henrik Ringbom, Regulating Autonomous Ships-Concepts, Challenges, and Precedents, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo, Norway, 2019
- Juan Pablo Rodriguez, The Legal Challenges of Unmanned Ships in the Private Maritime Law: What Laws Would You Change, University Carlos III de Madrid, 2018
- Joel Coito, Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships: New Possibilities-and Challenges-in Ocean Law and Policy, the Stockton Center for International Law, Volume 97, USA, 2021
- Koji Wariishi, maritime autonomous surface ships: development trends and prospects how digitalization drives changes in the marine industry, Global Strategic Studies Institute, 2019
- Legal challenges of liability in collisions arising from the development of autonomous and unmanned shipping; international and Norwegian perspective, faculty of law, university of Oslo, Norway, 2019
- Luci Carey, All Hands-off Deck? The Legal Barriers to Autonomous Ships, National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law, 2017
- Liability of Autonomous Ship: The Scandinavian perspective How the liability regimes shall be regulated in the Scandinavian region?, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo
- Michel Farach, A sea trolley problem: An exploration of the impact of unmanned vessels on maritime law, University of London, 2020
- Michael Boviatsis, George Vlachos, Sustainable Operation of Unmanned Ships under Current International Maritime Law, University of Piraeus, Greece, 2022
- Martin R. Leopardi, Autonomous Shipping: Some Reflections on Navigational Rights and Rescue at Sea, 2023
- Maritime unmanned navigation through intelligence in networks: legal and liability analysis for remote-controlled vessels, the European Commission, the seventh framework program, 2013
- Marine Accident Report, Collision between US Navy Destroyer John S McCain and Tanker Alnic MC Singapore Strait, 5 Miles Northeast of Horsburgh Lighthouse, National Transportation Safety Board, USA, 2017
- Maritime Safety Committee, Regulatory Scoping Exercise for the use of maritime autonomous ships (MASS), 99th session, 2018
- Natalie Klein, Maritime Autonomous Vehicles within the International Law Framework to Enhance Maritime Security, Stockton Center for International Law, V9, 2019
- Mohamed Mahmoud Feyala, Maritime Accident Investigation, Practising Law Institute (PLI), USA, 2022
- Oda Loe Fastvold, Legal Challenges for Unmanned Ships in International Law of the Sea, the arctic university of Norway, Norway
- Pol Deketelaere, The legal challenges of unmanned vessels, master thesis, university of Ghent, Belgium, 2017
- Robert Veal, Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships: select regulation and liabilities, University of Southampton, UK, p4, 2018
- Stephen Li, K.S. Fung, Maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS): implementation and legal issues, Maritime Business Review Vol. 4 No. 4, China, 2019
- T. Porathe, Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) and the COLREGS: Do We Need Quantified Rules or Is “the Ordinary Practice of Seamen” Specific Enough? The International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Volume 13, Norway, 2019
- The outcome of the regulatory scoping exercise for the use of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS), MSC.1/Circ.1638, 2012
- Tomotsugu Noma, Existing conventions and unmanned ships – need for changes? World Maritime University, Master thesis, 2016
- Yen-Chiang Chang, Chao Zhang, Nannan Wang, The international legal status of the unmanned maritime vehicles, Marine Policy, 2020
The Finnish product liability law, (694/1990; amendments up to 880/1998 included)