External Fixation versus Plate Osteosynthesis in the Management of Distal Tibia Fractures
Zoghli Attia, Y., Soudy, E., Elzohairy, M., Abdelwahab, A. (2024). External Fixation versus Plate Osteosynthesis in the Management of Distal Tibia Fractures. EKB Journal Management System, 30(1.5), 1999-2010. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2023.241496.2942
Yousef El Sayed Zoghli Attia; El Sayed El Etewy Soudy; Mohamed Mansour Elzohairy; Ahmed Mohamed Abdelwahab. "External Fixation versus Plate Osteosynthesis in the Management of Distal Tibia Fractures". EKB Journal Management System, 30, 1.5, 2024, 1999-2010. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2023.241496.2942
Zoghli Attia, Y., Soudy, E., Elzohairy, M., Abdelwahab, A. (2024). 'External Fixation versus Plate Osteosynthesis in the Management of Distal Tibia Fractures', EKB Journal Management System, 30(1.5), pp. 1999-2010. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2023.241496.2942
Zoghli Attia, Y., Soudy, E., Elzohairy, M., Abdelwahab, A. External Fixation versus Plate Osteosynthesis in the Management of Distal Tibia Fractures. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 30(1.5): 1999-2010. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2023.241496.2942