Impact of the jet velocity on the turbulent liquid jet
Said, M., Abdelsamie, A., Emara, K., Sedrak, M. (2023). Impact of the jet velocity on the turbulent liquid jet. EKB Journal Management System, 179(0), 249-273. doi: 10.21608/erj.2023.323970
Muhamad Said; Abouelmagd Abdelsamie Abdelsamie; Kareem Emara; Momtaz Sedrak. "Impact of the jet velocity on the turbulent liquid jet". EKB Journal Management System, 179, 0, 2023, 249-273. doi: 10.21608/erj.2023.323970
Said, M., Abdelsamie, A., Emara, K., Sedrak, M. (2023). 'Impact of the jet velocity on the turbulent liquid jet', EKB Journal Management System, 179(0), pp. 249-273. doi: 10.21608/erj.2023.323970
Said, M., Abdelsamie, A., Emara, K., Sedrak, M. Impact of the jet velocity on the turbulent liquid jet. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 179(0): 249-273. doi: 10.21608/erj.2023.323970