The Economic Practices of The Food Manufacturing Sector and Their Role in Enhancing Competitiveness
Attallah, E., Helal, A., El-Shafei, A. (2023). The Economic Practices of The Food Manufacturing Sector and Their Role in Enhancing Competitiveness. EKB Journal Management System, 3(10), 122-141. doi: 10.21608/nvjas.2023.231657.1242
Elsayed Mohamed Attallah; Alaa Fekrey Helal; Ahmed M. A. El-Shafei. "The Economic Practices of The Food Manufacturing Sector and Their Role in Enhancing Competitiveness". EKB Journal Management System, 3, 10, 2023, 122-141. doi: 10.21608/nvjas.2023.231657.1242
Attallah, E., Helal, A., El-Shafei, A. (2023). 'The Economic Practices of The Food Manufacturing Sector and Their Role in Enhancing Competitiveness', EKB Journal Management System, 3(10), pp. 122-141. doi: 10.21608/nvjas.2023.231657.1242
Attallah, E., Helal, A., El-Shafei, A. The Economic Practices of The Food Manufacturing Sector and Their Role in Enhancing Competitiveness. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 3(10): 122-141. doi: 10.21608/nvjas.2023.231657.1242