The significance of a smaller than expected crown–rump length measurement for predicting the occurrence of subsequent miscarriage in a viable first trimester pregnancy
Hosny, A., Mohamed Mowafy, H., Abdallah, W., El Kataway, A. (2024). The significance of a smaller than expected crown–rump length measurement for predicting the occurrence of subsequent miscarriage in a viable first trimester pregnancy. EKB Journal Management System, 30(1.5), 2041-2048. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2023.244120.2974
Alaa Refaat Mohamed Hosny; Hala Elsayed Mohamed Mowafy; Walid Abdallah; Ahmed Metwally El Kataway. "The significance of a smaller than expected crown–rump length measurement for predicting the occurrence of subsequent miscarriage in a viable first trimester pregnancy". EKB Journal Management System, 30, 1.5, 2024, 2041-2048. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2023.244120.2974
Hosny, A., Mohamed Mowafy, H., Abdallah, W., El Kataway, A. (2024). 'The significance of a smaller than expected crown–rump length measurement for predicting the occurrence of subsequent miscarriage in a viable first trimester pregnancy', EKB Journal Management System, 30(1.5), pp. 2041-2048. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2023.244120.2974
Hosny, A., Mohamed Mowafy, H., Abdallah, W., El Kataway, A. The significance of a smaller than expected crown–rump length measurement for predicting the occurrence of subsequent miscarriage in a viable first trimester pregnancy. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 30(1.5): 2041-2048. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2023.244120.2974