Uterine Cooling During Cesarean Section an Attempt to Reduce Blood Loss and Atonic Post-Partum Hemorrhage
elbehery, H., hassan, M., elgareeb, M., Fyala, E. (2023). Uterine Cooling During Cesarean Section an Attempt to Reduce Blood Loss and Atonic Post-Partum Hemorrhage. EKB Journal Management System, 13(4), 357-362. doi: 10.21608/ebwhj.2023.223472.1257
hany shehata elbehery; maher shams eldeen hassan; mohamed elsaid elgareeb; Emad Ahmed Fyala Ahmed Fyala. "Uterine Cooling During Cesarean Section an Attempt to Reduce Blood Loss and Atonic Post-Partum Hemorrhage". EKB Journal Management System, 13, 4, 2023, 357-362. doi: 10.21608/ebwhj.2023.223472.1257
elbehery, H., hassan, M., elgareeb, M., Fyala, E. (2023). 'Uterine Cooling During Cesarean Section an Attempt to Reduce Blood Loss and Atonic Post-Partum Hemorrhage', EKB Journal Management System, 13(4), pp. 357-362. doi: 10.21608/ebwhj.2023.223472.1257
elbehery, H., hassan, M., elgareeb, M., Fyala, E. Uterine Cooling During Cesarean Section an Attempt to Reduce Blood Loss and Atonic Post-Partum Hemorrhage. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 13(4): 357-362. doi: 10.21608/ebwhj.2023.223472.1257