Pollen morphology of some Rosa L. cultivars from Egypt
Ali, F., Morsy, W., Mohamed, R., Abdel Rahman, S., Abdel Fattah, S. (2023). Pollen morphology of some Rosa L. cultivars from Egypt. EKB Journal Management System, 40(2), 84-106. doi: 10.21608/jsrs.2023.331817
Fatma Abdel Naby Ali; Wafaa Morsy; Reem Mohamed; Sahar Abdel Rahman; Sahar Abdel Fattah. "Pollen morphology of some Rosa L. cultivars from Egypt". EKB Journal Management System, 40, 2, 2023, 84-106. doi: 10.21608/jsrs.2023.331817
Ali, F., Morsy, W., Mohamed, R., Abdel Rahman, S., Abdel Fattah, S. (2023). 'Pollen morphology of some Rosa L. cultivars from Egypt', EKB Journal Management System, 40(2), pp. 84-106. doi: 10.21608/jsrs.2023.331817
Ali, F., Morsy, W., Mohamed, R., Abdel Rahman, S., Abdel Fattah, S. Pollen morphology of some Rosa L. cultivars from Egypt. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 40(2): 84-106. doi: 10.21608/jsrs.2023.331817