Neural mobilization versus somatosensory motor control in treatment of chronic low back pain with unilateral sciatica: a randomized clinical trial.
Elabbasi, M., Samir, S., Soliman, E. (2023). Neural mobilization versus somatosensory motor control in treatment of chronic low back pain with unilateral sciatica: a randomized clinical trial.. EKB Journal Management System, 1(1), 48-59. doi: 10.21608/bijpt.2023.259497.1009
Mohammed Ali Elabbasi; Sarah Mohamed Samir; Elsadat Saad Soliman. "Neural mobilization versus somatosensory motor control in treatment of chronic low back pain with unilateral sciatica: a randomized clinical trial.". EKB Journal Management System, 1, 1, 2023, 48-59. doi: 10.21608/bijpt.2023.259497.1009
Elabbasi, M., Samir, S., Soliman, E. (2023). 'Neural mobilization versus somatosensory motor control in treatment of chronic low back pain with unilateral sciatica: a randomized clinical trial.', EKB Journal Management System, 1(1), pp. 48-59. doi: 10.21608/bijpt.2023.259497.1009
Elabbasi, M., Samir, S., Soliman, E. Neural mobilization versus somatosensory motor control in treatment of chronic low back pain with unilateral sciatica: a randomized clinical trial.. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 1(1): 48-59. doi: 10.21608/bijpt.2023.259497.1009