Understanding the Complex Relationship between Diabetes, HbA1c Levels, and Penile Prosthesis Infections: A Comprehensive Analysis and Clinical Implications
Elmoghazy, H., mamdouh, A., abdelwareth, E., mohamed, E., Reyad, A., Moursy, E. (2024). Understanding the Complex Relationship between Diabetes, HbA1c Levels, and Penile Prosthesis Infections: A Comprehensive Analysis and Clinical Implications. EKB Journal Management System, 24(1), 8-14. doi: 10.21608/eju.2023.228662.1005
Hazem Mohamed Elmoghazy; ahmed mamdouh; Eslam abdelwareth; elnisr rashed mohamed; ahmed M. Reyad; Essam Moursy. "Understanding the Complex Relationship between Diabetes, HbA1c Levels, and Penile Prosthesis Infections: A Comprehensive Analysis and Clinical Implications". EKB Journal Management System, 24, 1, 2024, 8-14. doi: 10.21608/eju.2023.228662.1005
Elmoghazy, H., mamdouh, A., abdelwareth, E., mohamed, E., Reyad, A., Moursy, E. (2024). 'Understanding the Complex Relationship between Diabetes, HbA1c Levels, and Penile Prosthesis Infections: A Comprehensive Analysis and Clinical Implications', EKB Journal Management System, 24(1), pp. 8-14. doi: 10.21608/eju.2023.228662.1005
Elmoghazy, H., mamdouh, A., abdelwareth, E., mohamed, E., Reyad, A., Moursy, E. Understanding the Complex Relationship between Diabetes, HbA1c Levels, and Penile Prosthesis Infections: A Comprehensive Analysis and Clinical Implications. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 24(1): 8-14. doi: 10.21608/eju.2023.228662.1005