CES: Cost Estimation System for Enhancing the Processing of Car Insurance Claims
Elbhrawy, A., Belal, M., Hassanein, M. (2024). CES: Cost Estimation System for Enhancing the Processing of Car Insurance Claims. EKB Journal Management System, 3(1), 55-69. doi: 10.21608/jocc.2024.339922
Ahmed Shawky Elbhrawy; Mohamed AbdelFattah Belal; mohamed Sameh Hassanein. "CES: Cost Estimation System for Enhancing the Processing of Car Insurance Claims". EKB Journal Management System, 3, 1, 2024, 55-69. doi: 10.21608/jocc.2024.339922
Elbhrawy, A., Belal, M., Hassanein, M. (2024). 'CES: Cost Estimation System for Enhancing the Processing of Car Insurance Claims', EKB Journal Management System, 3(1), pp. 55-69. doi: 10.21608/jocc.2024.339922
Elbhrawy, A., Belal, M., Hassanein, M. CES: Cost Estimation System for Enhancing the Processing of Car Insurance Claims. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 3(1): 55-69. doi: 10.21608/jocc.2024.339922
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