Progression of Diabetic cardiomyopathy among Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A Review Article
Khalil, U., El Nagar, A., Abdelrahman, E., El-Said, D. (2024). Progression of Diabetic cardiomyopathy among Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A Review Article. EKB Journal Management System, 30(5), 1768-1774. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2024.286222.3367
Usama Ahmed Khalil; Ashraf Khalifa Sharaf El Nagar; Essam Adel Abdelrahman; Dina Mosad El-Said. "Progression of Diabetic cardiomyopathy among Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A Review Article". EKB Journal Management System, 30, 5, 2024, 1768-1774. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2024.286222.3367
Khalil, U., El Nagar, A., Abdelrahman, E., El-Said, D. (2024). 'Progression of Diabetic cardiomyopathy among Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A Review Article', EKB Journal Management System, 30(5), pp. 1768-1774. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2024.286222.3367
Khalil, U., El Nagar, A., Abdelrahman, E., El-Said, D. Progression of Diabetic cardiomyopathy among Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A Review Article. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 30(5): 1768-1774. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2024.286222.3367