Colchicine’s impact on the growth and chemical composition of withania somnifera l. plant
mahdy, D., arafa, A., sarhan, A., hussien, B. (2024). Colchicine’s impact on the growth and chemical composition of withania somnifera l. plant. EKB Journal Management System, (), -. doi: 10.21608/ejchem.2024.271954.9372
Doaa reda mahdy; azza mohammed arafa; atef zakaria sarhan; basita abbas hussien. "Colchicine’s impact on the growth and chemical composition of withania somnifera l. plant". EKB Journal Management System, , , 2024, -. doi: 10.21608/ejchem.2024.271954.9372
mahdy, D., arafa, A., sarhan, A., hussien, B. (2024). 'Colchicine’s impact on the growth and chemical composition of withania somnifera l. plant', EKB Journal Management System, (), pp. -. doi: 10.21608/ejchem.2024.271954.9372
mahdy, D., arafa, A., sarhan, A., hussien, B. Colchicine’s impact on the growth and chemical composition of withania somnifera l. plant. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; (): -. doi: 10.21608/ejchem.2024.271954.9372