The Power of Female Figures in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone and Two Trains Running by August Wilson
فتحى محمد الطيب عبد المولى, . (2024). The Power of Female Figures in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone and Two Trains Running by August Wilson. EKB Journal Management System, 16(2), 38-67. doi: 10.21608/jfafu.2024.277720.2032
مروة فتحى محمد الطيب عبد المولى. "The Power of Female Figures in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone and Two Trains Running by August Wilson". EKB Journal Management System, 16, 2, 2024, 38-67. doi: 10.21608/jfafu.2024.277720.2032
فتحى محمد الطيب عبد المولى, . (2024). 'The Power of Female Figures in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone and Two Trains Running by August Wilson', EKB Journal Management System, 16(2), pp. 38-67. doi: 10.21608/jfafu.2024.277720.2032
فتحى محمد الطيب عبد المولى, . The Power of Female Figures in Joe Turner’s Come and Gone and Two Trains Running by August Wilson. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 16(2): 38-67. doi: 10.21608/jfafu.2024.277720.2032