Added Value of Transvaginal Real-Time Shear Wave Elastography in the Diagnosis of Endometrial and Sub endometrial lesions
Soliman, B., Hasan, A., Elfawal, M., amin, M. (2024). Added Value of Transvaginal Real-Time Shear Wave Elastography in the Diagnosis of Endometrial and Sub endometrial lesions. EKB Journal Management System, 30(5), 1718-1727. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2024.285511.3359
Basma Kamal Soliman; Amira Abdelaziz Hasan; Magdy Mohamed Elfawal; mohamed ibrahim amin. "Added Value of Transvaginal Real-Time Shear Wave Elastography in the Diagnosis of Endometrial and Sub endometrial lesions". EKB Journal Management System, 30, 5, 2024, 1718-1727. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2024.285511.3359
Soliman, B., Hasan, A., Elfawal, M., amin, M. (2024). 'Added Value of Transvaginal Real-Time Shear Wave Elastography in the Diagnosis of Endometrial and Sub endometrial lesions', EKB Journal Management System, 30(5), pp. 1718-1727. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2024.285511.3359
Soliman, B., Hasan, A., Elfawal, M., amin, M. Added Value of Transvaginal Real-Time Shear Wave Elastography in the Diagnosis of Endometrial and Sub endometrial lesions. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 30(5): 1718-1727. doi: 10.21608/zumj.2024.285511.3359