Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of two Resilient Attachments Retaining Mandibular Over-Denture Supported by Implant and Natural Tooth on the Supporting Structures
Maged, A., Nawar, N., Eid, H., Shawky, Y. (2024). Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of two Resilient Attachments Retaining Mandibular Over-Denture Supported by Implant and Natural Tooth on the Supporting Structures. EKB Journal Management System, 34(2), 1-13. doi: 10.21608/asdj.2024.287725.1284
Abdel Rahman M Maged; Noha Helmy Hassan Nawar; Hany Eid; Yasser Mohamad Shawky. "Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of two Resilient Attachments Retaining Mandibular Over-Denture Supported by Implant and Natural Tooth on the Supporting Structures". EKB Journal Management System, 34, 2, 2024, 1-13. doi: 10.21608/asdj.2024.287725.1284
Maged, A., Nawar, N., Eid, H., Shawky, Y. (2024). 'Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of two Resilient Attachments Retaining Mandibular Over-Denture Supported by Implant and Natural Tooth on the Supporting Structures', EKB Journal Management System, 34(2), pp. 1-13. doi: 10.21608/asdj.2024.287725.1284
Maged, A., Nawar, N., Eid, H., Shawky, Y. Clinical Evaluation of the Effect of two Resilient Attachments Retaining Mandibular Over-Denture Supported by Implant and Natural Tooth on the Supporting Structures. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 34(2): 1-13. doi: 10.21608/asdj.2024.287725.1284