Preserving round ligament of uterus in laparoscopic repair of female groin hernia: A prospective study
Amer, A., Eissa, M., Sabir, S., ElGhamry, E. (2023). Preserving round ligament of uterus in laparoscopic repair of female groin hernia: A prospective study. EKB Journal Management System, 41(3), -. doi: 10.4103/ejs.ejs_192_22
Ahmed H. Amer; Mahmoud A. Eissa; Sherif A. Sabir; ElGhamry E. ElGhamry. "Preserving round ligament of uterus in laparoscopic repair of female groin hernia: A prospective study". EKB Journal Management System, 41, 3, 2023, -. doi: 10.4103/ejs.ejs_192_22
Amer, A., Eissa, M., Sabir, S., ElGhamry, E. (2023). 'Preserving round ligament of uterus in laparoscopic repair of female groin hernia: A prospective study', EKB Journal Management System, 41(3), pp. -. doi: 10.4103/ejs.ejs_192_22
Amer, A., Eissa, M., Sabir, S., ElGhamry, E. Preserving round ligament of uterus in laparoscopic repair of female groin hernia: A prospective study. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 41(3): -. doi: 10.4103/ejs.ejs_192_22