Assessment of hepatic steatosis before and after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Hassan, T., Kamal, A., Kaddah, M., Mostafa, K., Omar, W. (2023). Assessment of hepatic steatosis before and after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. EKB Journal Management System, 42(2), -. doi: 10.4103/ejs.ejs_90_23
Tarik A. A. Hassan; Ayman Kamal; Mona Kaddah; Karim Mostafa; Wael Omar. "Assessment of hepatic steatosis before and after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy". EKB Journal Management System, 42, 2, 2023, -. doi: 10.4103/ejs.ejs_90_23
Hassan, T., Kamal, A., Kaddah, M., Mostafa, K., Omar, W. (2023). 'Assessment of hepatic steatosis before and after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy', EKB Journal Management System, 42(2), pp. -. doi: 10.4103/ejs.ejs_90_23
Hassan, T., Kamal, A., Kaddah, M., Mostafa, K., Omar, W. Assessment of hepatic steatosis before and after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. EKB Journal Management System, 2023; 42(2): -. doi: 10.4103/ejs.ejs_90_23