Promising Medicinal Plants and their Potential Active Constituents for Healing of Superficial Burn Wounds- A Review
Nassar, S., El Hawary, S., Elgendy, H., El-Raey, M., kirollos, F. (2024). Promising Medicinal Plants and their Potential Active Constituents for Healing of Superficial Burn Wounds- A Review. EKB Journal Management System, (), -. doi: 10.21608/ejchem.2024.289838.9742
Salah Lotfy Nassar; Seham Salah Eldin El Hawary; Hussieny Abdelmohsen Elgendy; Mohamed Abdelaziz El-Raey; farid Noshy kirollos. "Promising Medicinal Plants and their Potential Active Constituents for Healing of Superficial Burn Wounds- A Review". EKB Journal Management System, , , 2024, -. doi: 10.21608/ejchem.2024.289838.9742
Nassar, S., El Hawary, S., Elgendy, H., El-Raey, M., kirollos, F. (2024). 'Promising Medicinal Plants and their Potential Active Constituents for Healing of Superficial Burn Wounds- A Review', EKB Journal Management System, (), pp. -. doi: 10.21608/ejchem.2024.289838.9742
Nassar, S., El Hawary, S., Elgendy, H., El-Raey, M., kirollos, F. Promising Medicinal Plants and their Potential Active Constituents for Healing of Superficial Burn Wounds- A Review. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; (): -. doi: 10.21608/ejchem.2024.289838.9742