Effect of Structured Teaching Program on Physiological and Psychological Problems among Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients
A. Salem, F., Ibrahim Ahmed Abdou Abd El Rahman, B., Kedees Marzouk, H., Sabry, K., Gomaa Eldawoody Ali, H. (2024). Effect of Structured Teaching Program on Physiological and Psychological Problems among Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients. EKB Journal Management System, 15(3), 83-103. doi: 10.21608/ejhc.2024.370394
Fatma A. Salem; Badr Ibrahim Ahmed Abdou Abd El Rahman; Heba Kedees Marzouk; Karim Sabry; Heba Gomaa Eldawoody Ali. "Effect of Structured Teaching Program on Physiological and Psychological Problems among Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients". EKB Journal Management System, 15, 3, 2024, 83-103. doi: 10.21608/ejhc.2024.370394
A. Salem, F., Ibrahim Ahmed Abdou Abd El Rahman, B., Kedees Marzouk, H., Sabry, K., Gomaa Eldawoody Ali, H. (2024). 'Effect of Structured Teaching Program on Physiological and Psychological Problems among Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients', EKB Journal Management System, 15(3), pp. 83-103. doi: 10.21608/ejhc.2024.370394
A. Salem, F., Ibrahim Ahmed Abdou Abd El Rahman, B., Kedees Marzouk, H., Sabry, K., Gomaa Eldawoody Ali, H. Effect of Structured Teaching Program on Physiological and Psychological Problems among Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 15(3): 83-103. doi: 10.21608/ejhc.2024.370394