Event-related potential (P300) abnormalities and linked autoantibodies as a marker of early Cognitive dysfunction in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus a case - control study
mohamed, O., Osman, A., Abualfadl, E., Ibrahem, H., Amin, A., Ali, R. (2024). Event-related potential (P300) abnormalities and linked autoantibodies as a marker of early Cognitive dysfunction in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus a case - control study. EKB Journal Management System, 28(3), 102-112. doi: 10.21608/smj.2024.292720.1472
Osama Sayed Daifallah mohamed; Ayat Abdelwahab Osman; Esam M Abualfadl; Hazem Kamal Ibrahem; Ahmed Ezzat Amin; Rabab Hussein Ali. "Event-related potential (P300) abnormalities and linked autoantibodies as a marker of early Cognitive dysfunction in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus a case - control study". EKB Journal Management System, 28, 3, 2024, 102-112. doi: 10.21608/smj.2024.292720.1472
mohamed, O., Osman, A., Abualfadl, E., Ibrahem, H., Amin, A., Ali, R. (2024). 'Event-related potential (P300) abnormalities and linked autoantibodies as a marker of early Cognitive dysfunction in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus a case - control study', EKB Journal Management System, 28(3), pp. 102-112. doi: 10.21608/smj.2024.292720.1472
mohamed, O., Osman, A., Abualfadl, E., Ibrahem, H., Amin, A., Ali, R. Event-related potential (P300) abnormalities and linked autoantibodies as a marker of early Cognitive dysfunction in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus a case - control study. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 28(3): 102-112. doi: 10.21608/smj.2024.292720.1472