Distribution of Charged Particle Production from Proton-Proton Collisions
Gamal, M., El-Sharkawy, S., Abd Allah, N. (2024). Distribution of Charged Particle Production from Proton-Proton Collisions. EKB Journal Management System, 9(4), 473-478. doi: 10.21608/sjsci.2024.295376.1207
M. Gamal; S. El-Sharkawy; N. N. Abd Allah. "Distribution of Charged Particle Production from Proton-Proton Collisions". EKB Journal Management System, 9, 4, 2024, 473-478. doi: 10.21608/sjsci.2024.295376.1207
Gamal, M., El-Sharkawy, S., Abd Allah, N. (2024). 'Distribution of Charged Particle Production from Proton-Proton Collisions', EKB Journal Management System, 9(4), pp. 473-478. doi: 10.21608/sjsci.2024.295376.1207
Gamal, M., El-Sharkawy, S., Abd Allah, N. Distribution of Charged Particle Production from Proton-Proton Collisions. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 9(4): 473-478. doi: 10.21608/sjsci.2024.295376.1207