Studies on the potential protective effect of curcumin and zinc against nickel- induced nephrotoxicity in rats
Elballal, S., Morgan, A., Elborai, N. (2015). Studies on the potential protective effect of curcumin and zinc against nickel- induced nephrotoxicity in rats. EKB Journal Management System, 9(1), 114-131. doi: 10.21608/jcvr.2015.37193
Salah Elballal; Ashraf Morgan; Nermeen Elborai. "Studies on the potential protective effect of curcumin and zinc against nickel- induced nephrotoxicity in rats". EKB Journal Management System, 9, 1, 2015, 114-131. doi: 10.21608/jcvr.2015.37193
Elballal, S., Morgan, A., Elborai, N. (2015). 'Studies on the potential protective effect of curcumin and zinc against nickel- induced nephrotoxicity in rats', EKB Journal Management System, 9(1), pp. 114-131. doi: 10.21608/jcvr.2015.37193
Elballal, S., Morgan, A., Elborai, N. Studies on the potential protective effect of curcumin and zinc against nickel- induced nephrotoxicity in rats. EKB Journal Management System, 2015; 9(1): 114-131. doi: 10.21608/jcvr.2015.37193