Assessment of Soil Dehydrogenase and Phosphatase Activities after Exposure to Certain Pesticides as Biomarkers for Pesticide Pollution
El sheikh, A., Heikal, S., Rashwan, M., EL-Aswed, A. (2024). Assessment of Soil Dehydrogenase and Phosphatase Activities after Exposure to Certain Pesticides as Biomarkers for Pesticide Pollution. EKB Journal Management System, 45(3), 391-408. doi: 10.21608/asejaiqjsae.2024.374605
Anwar El sheikh; Sara Mohamed Heikal; Mahmoud Rashwan; Ahmed Farahat EL-Aswed. "Assessment of Soil Dehydrogenase and Phosphatase Activities after Exposure to Certain Pesticides as Biomarkers for Pesticide Pollution". EKB Journal Management System, 45, 3, 2024, 391-408. doi: 10.21608/asejaiqjsae.2024.374605
El sheikh, A., Heikal, S., Rashwan, M., EL-Aswed, A. (2024). 'Assessment of Soil Dehydrogenase and Phosphatase Activities after Exposure to Certain Pesticides as Biomarkers for Pesticide Pollution', EKB Journal Management System, 45(3), pp. 391-408. doi: 10.21608/asejaiqjsae.2024.374605
El sheikh, A., Heikal, S., Rashwan, M., EL-Aswed, A. Assessment of Soil Dehydrogenase and Phosphatase Activities after Exposure to Certain Pesticides as Biomarkers for Pesticide Pollution. EKB Journal Management System, 2024; 45(3): 391-408. doi: 10.21608/asejaiqjsae.2024.374605